
  1. JLW

    Plants, Plants, Plants ... or Cichlid Food! :)

    Available: Anubias nana -- $7 Anubias "Short and Sharp" -- $8 Ammania senegalensis -- $0.65 Apon. stachysporus -- Bulbs: $0.80. Very nice, unusual Aponogeton with a neat leaf shape. Super easy to grow. Bacopa crenata -- $0.50, 12 for $5.00 Bacopa sp. "Cherry Top" -- $1.50...
  2. M

    Cichlid Fry for sale .75 cents

    Hello all, I going to make this simple. I need to sell some fish fry and am willing to sell for 75 cents (small fry) but minimum transaction 10 dollars. I do not deliver. I am pretty much at critical capacity. If you don't want them maybe you now someone who might like some inexpensive...
  3. K

    Pike cichlid with ich

    I've had two pikes for the last 3 weeks (1 belly crawler and 1 unidentified), and I just noticed the belly crawler has ich. The ich didn't appear until 2 days ago. Its behavior since I got it for the most part has been normal. It ate a feeder initially and then I got the pikes onto some pellet...
  4. D

    Please help me ID my cichlid

    I can't remember where I got it but I know it is a shell dweller Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
  5. REG84


    Stocking my newly setup and ready to go 125, and my list is as follows: 10 - Rusty 10 - Maingano 12 - saulosi 10 - cobue 10 - hongi red top Help me fill my tank!!!!
  6. rich_one

    Updated Community Cichlid Tank Video

    Still a little work to be done. Have to clean the back glass (somehow), and then put on the background. Aquascaping is minimal... kinda like the open water look at the moment, so undecided if I'll alter it further or not. Everyone looks happy though. mqHsz7f8xwY -Rich
  7. R

    Help African cichlid can't move its tail

    Hi one on my small peacocks in my 75 can move his tail or all he does is shake is body back and forth and his head then sinks back to the bottom of the tank..before this he looked bloated..all my other Africans are fine and my water tests fine..any one have any ideas Sent from my DROID RAZR...
  8. madcobra216

    FS:FT 2 Male Chilotilapia Rhoadesii Cichlid -$20 (obo)

    I have 2 male Chilotilapia Rhoadesii Cichlid for sale. Both are approximately 5 inches long. Looking to sell or possible trade these guys for 2 male peacocks PM me if interested Thanks
  9. SpacejamsPR

    Dovii/wolf cichlid

    I got about 20 that im gonna see their in the 2- almost 3 inch mark there 5 for 10$ You guyd already seen te parents sooo just pm me :) Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
  10. Becca

    FS/T: Cichlid mix gravel

    Carib Sea, similar to this: Rinsed... about 15 lbs. $5 or interesting trade.
  11. Becca

    FS/T: Hikari Carnivore sticks & cichlid pellets

    We have near-full bags of Hikari carnivore sticks and cichlid gold (medium) pellets.
  12. N

    Hello, Cichlid lovers!

    Hello, my name is Dan and I'm an American person who is highly interested in the cichlid profession. My favorite cichlids are Peacocks and Haplichromines, as well as South American cichlids. I am also interested in unique Plecostamus if you are interested in those as well. My son's favorite fish...
  13. SpacejamsPR

    Wolf cichlid fry

    Still got some 1-2 inches Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
  14. ErnieG

    Cichlid Pairs

    Here we have 2 breeding pairs, neolamprologus caudopunctatus that have fry right these guys have bred for me in 3 different size tanks. Asking $35 for the neolamprologus caudopunctatus pair, second pair are honduran red points points and asking $25 for the pair. $50 if you take both pairs, if...
  15. F

    ID my Cichlid Please

    A few months back my LFS was closing down and trashed this fish I took it off their hands for free and it has started showing some beautiful color I wish I knew the type though... Sent from my DROID RAZR using MonsterAquariaNetwork App
  16. festaedan

    is cichlid connection worth buying from?

    Hi, I was wondering if any body has bought fish from Gage and had anything to say about the quality of his fish.
  17. 0

    Substrate, african cichlid mix with eco complete?

    We use regular carib sea african cichlid mix in our 29 gallon. We are moving that to the 55 gallon when we move in 2 weeks. We need some more substrate and see that carib sea offers a eco complete version of the same stuff. My understanding is theres no neesd to rinse that stuff, just dump it...
  18. dogofwar

    GCCA Cichlid Classic

    Greater Chicago Cichlid Association Holds this event just about every year... This year's was Thurs May, 23 - Sun May 26 and looked to be a great time and awesome teamwork on the part of their membership to pull this off. GCCA is posting videos of the event. First installment is set-up...
  19. ErnieG

    african cichlid 20gallon

    Here the 20gallon with the pair of caudopunctatus and multifasciatus.
  20. SpacejamsPR

    cichlid for sale

    Jaguar pair stuf male 4' female 5-6 fry with them right now 40$ thai silk flowerhorn 5-6 50 barred midas 4' 20 green texas 3-4 15 pike cichlid 6' Galaxy S II