
  1. ErnieG

    FS: 55 gallon African cichlid tank

    I have a full 55 gallon African cichlid setup, I need to make room for my new 220 gallon dirted tank that I can't wait to start setting up. The 55 gallon comes with the following. Dual marineland filter Aqueon heater Led lights Sand Excellent rock formation Shells 5 Julidochromis regani...
  2. G

    Salvini Cichlid

    I'm planning to set up a 55g with 4 salvini to try to pair them up. I did some research and some people says they are little devils. Is a 55g enough for 4 of them? I have a 90g with 3 JD (4"-6") and a pleco (7"). Thanks :thumbup: Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using MonsterAquariaNetwork App
  3. F

    Fs/ft peacock cichlid

    I have a 5-6" peacock cichlid for sale or trade. $20 or looking small SA cichlid. Angels geos etc. Willing to consider offers. 714-788-4601
  4. A

    Need a little help. Parrot cichlid color.

    Any recommendations on how to get my parrot cichlids to that nice orange color, and how long would you think the process is going to take? Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using MonsterAquariaNetwork App
  5. Lord Fauntleroy

    Chocolate Cichlid

    thinking about buying a pair of wild caught from Peru. Any keepers with pictures or advice...they'd go in the 180 I'm picking up.
  6. men_arell

    My Kenyi Cichlid or Metriaclima lombardoi is acting weird, help!

    I have a Mbuna tank with 1 male and 3 female kenyi, 1 male 3 female Chipokae, and 1 male and 1 female scolofi. Recently one of the female kenyi stopped eating. It likes to hang on the top of the tank without hiding. Her colors are getting paler. All the other fish are doing well. They all eat...
  7. fish


    Oh my god guys! Look at this! I am selling fry for $50! Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
  8. BMORE_Cichlid


  9. A

    African Cichlid Water Chemistry

    Advice? I have owned my African Cichlid tank for about 2 months and have had 5 fish in the tank for about 5 weeks of the time. I have had ich in the first two weeks and had to treat for that then I had a 6th fish become sick with "Velvet Disease" and I and to remove him. Since then, I...
  10. cabinetmkr39

    Chocolate Cichlid not looking good

    Any Idea whats going on here, Fish stopped eating also has a white blush on his head , his jaw is swollen in the right side , belly is also swollen, clear stingy fecal matter. I've salted the tank yesterday with 1 tsp of instance ocean no changes is behavior. temp is 78 degrees, no other fish...
  11. AquaStudent

    Favorite SA/CA Cichlid

    I want to know what your favorite South American or Central American cichlid is. Pics would be appreciated :P It's looking good for my big tank pickup and I'm looking at options.
  12. S

    FS: Jewell Cichlid juvenlies

    I have approximately 50 Jewell Cichlid juveniles ranging in size from 1.5" to .75" (estimated). Asking $1 each or 6 for $5. Parents are a stunning red color, so I suspect these will be about the same. Pics below are the best I can so with my camera phone. Pickup location is Glen Burnie, Md...
  13. Cbaker

    African cichlid Peacocks

    Hello, I am trying to clear out some of my peacocks for some space. I would like to part with the following fish: 2 blue regal males 3.5 $15 each. 1 pair of red shoulder 1 male 3.5" and female same size. $25 for the pair. 2 otterpoint males 3.5" and 3" $30 for both 1 T-reef female 3" $10...
  14. ErnieG

    55gallon African cichlid tank

    I have a couple fish that I need to move from this tank, they are breeding pair of Cylindicus and trio Neolamprologus hecqui.
  15. Jeff721

    Cichlid art prints

    Some of you may know that I do a little bit of art. Here are some of the cichlids I've done recently. I will have prints with me tomorrow at the meeting. $12 each for the small prints (8.5"x11"'), Apisto, Aulonocara, and Oscar. $18 for the Discus (11"x14"). I have a limited amount of each...
  16. N

    Why/How to get my midas cichlid to take live food?

    I have an Oscar a jack Dempsey and recently a midas I mostly feed the other 2 earthworms but for some reason the midas won't eat the worm? So he eats cichlid sticks is there a way to get him to eat worms? Thanks
  17. dogofwar

    Subscribed to Cichlid Room Companion (

    Whenever I have a question about a cichlid - what's the current, correct name?; what's its collection point?; how does it differ from closely related species?; how do you keep and breed it?...whatever - my "go to" resource is The Cichlid Room Companion ( It's run by Juan...
  18. BMORE_Cichlid

    Jaguar Cichlid Spawning

    The Festae is gone and the Jaguar pair is doing the thing. The pair was so happy for the festae to leave lol so hopefully we will see fry in the next few days. Will be posting pictures after they are done. Sent from my HP Slate 7 using MonsterAquariaNetwork App
  19. ErnieG

    African Cichlid Pairs and Colonies

    The following pairs and colonies are for sale if interested please call or text me at 410-800-9742. PMs are welcome also. Breeding Colony of 9 Neolamprologus Brevis: $45 Breeding Colony of 5 Julidochromis Regani: $35 Breeding pair of Neolamprologus Cylindicus: $20 Breeding trio of...
  20. P

    Full Cichlid Set Up *NEED TO GO BY SATURDAY!*

    Due to recent events, the homeowner will no longer permit me to keep any fish tanks in the house anymore. It's as well, as I will be take a university RA job soon anyways. Trying to find them a good home. Everything that is included in this post: ...