
  1. cabinetmkr39

    FS Blue Acara cichlid

    I have 6 Blue Acara I am looking to move on to a good home. I purchased 2 nice groups last year from to different sellers on aquabid. Now I am ready to move on whats left. 1 1/2" each. Would like to sell all 6 for $20. or $5 each
  2. S

    FT Kens Cichlid Pellets 5.5mm

    FT Kens Cichlid Pellets 5.5mm. Brand New. Ideal for Oscars and large Cichlids alike. Want to trade for floating food (smaller pellets or dried foods. (unused). PM in interested. Can bring to CA meeting.
  3. D-money

    WTB or Trade for Adult Male Cuban Cichlid

    Like the title says, I'm looking for an adult Cuban male for a breeding project. I have a pair now but the male is 12yrs old and I don't think he's up to the task. The female has laid 4 batches of eggs and none have been fertilized. So looking for a younger male for my female to work with :wub:
  4. M

    FS: Vieja fenestratus, jaguar cichlid, MD PU

    Unfortunately my brother is unable to maintain all of my tanks while I am at college, so I need to sell some of my fish. I was refered to here by a MFK member to have a better chance of selling them, hence why i am a new member. The Vieja fenestratus is around 10-11 IN and the jaguar is around...
  5. dogofwar

    Taxonomic Status of the Lago Coatepeque Endemic Convict Cichlid Amatitlania coatepequ

    Not that its particularly surprising, but A. coatepeque is a junior synonym of A. nigrofasciata. Which doesn't mean that the population in Lago Coatepeque is "the same" as populations of A. nigrofaciata found elsewhere... As part of a...
  6. Gyarados

    NLS Cichlid 1mm and Manzanita branches FS

    I've got a 5lb tub of NLS Cichlid 1mm that has hardly been touched. At a bare minimum its 90% full, probably 95%. $30. Also up for sale are 4 Manzanita branches, roughly 15"-18", 2 smaller and 2 more robust. They have not been Sandblasted. $20 for the lot. Pic of the branches when they...
  7. Pat Kelly

    Ohio Cichlid Association Extravaganza XX

    20th year!!!
  8. G

    ID African cichlid peacocks please

    Have these but don't really know if they're hybrids. Help ID please Sent from my LGLS740 using MonsterAquariaNetwork App
  9. F

    Coming to the Catfish Convention

    Stop by our booth at the Catfish Convention. Attached are a few of the items we are bringing to you. Check our site out at!!
  10. rich_one

    Cheap CA Cichlid Liquidation Sale

    Selling these fish cheap for two reasons... one, I need to thin the herd and make room. Two, while healthy, many of them have minor nicks and scrapes due to skirmishes. So the result is... cheap fish. I'm not posting pics in this thread. If you pm me with interest on a specific fish, I'll...
  11. F

    New to cichlid

    Hello from Canada, I have just setup my 75 gallons with melanochromis joahannii gome, labidochromins mbamba, hemichromis red jewel, and cirtocara blue dolphin. All together I have 20 cichlid in my tank. I just find out my red jewel female is about to lay eggs, and I was just wondering if...
  12. S

    For Trade Kens Cichlid Pellets 5.5mm

    Kens CPremium Cichlid Pellets 5.5 mm unopened package available for trade. Want to trade for a smaller pelllet size, any brand conidered (unused).
  13. jonclark96

    Capital Cichlid Association 501c(7) Status

    Like many small, not-for-profits, a few years back, CCA fell behind in filing the paperwork to maintain its not-for-profit status and in filing its annual tax returns. Thanks to the hard work of your volunteer Board of Directors and Treasurer, CCA received notification that our 501c(7)...
  14. JLW

    NEW Cichlid Grazers

    Batfish Aquatics has always been proud to offer New Era Grazers for sale. These unique feeding rings allow your fish to slowly browse and graze from them throughout the day, simulating a more natural diet. These new Cichlid Grazers are intended for use with algae grazing cichlids, such as Mbuna...
  15. M

    Can you identify the Cichlid

    I am new to Cichlid tanks, I've only had my tank stocked for about a week. However ran into this guy in a foreclosed home. he has been left there at least a week with no power so I brought him home with me. He is currently in a bucket with a pump running. I have Malawi African Cichlid. I was...
  16. Tooz100

    Adding new cichlid

    Hi does anyone have any advice on adding a new adult tank mate to an established tank as i just lost my latest aulonocara to bullying r.i.p fella Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
  17. johnscottant

    The CCY Cichlid Show- Clash of the Cichlids!

    On September 27th 2014 at 1pm The Cichlid Club of York PA will be having its 2nd annual Cichlid Show- Clash of the Cichlids. NJAS Kevin J Carr will be our guest speaker as he educates us on the do's and don'ts of getting your cichlids prepared to show and tricks of the trade to get them to...
  18. S

    125 gallon SA/CA Cichlid tank

    Hello all so I have been stocking my 125 gallon tank and I finally got everything I wanted( and more because of wife) so now I'm just wondering if I have to many fish in there. Here is what I have. Keep in mind that everything in there is very young still 1 x albino oscar - 3" 1 x Texas cichlid...
  19. cvalenzia

    African Cichlid! Mbuna and more

    Most of these guys have been purchased from Jay from Cichlids Are Special over the past couple years. All are for sale! I also have two 75 gallon tank set ups I am looking to sell. (includes tank, light, filter, decor) everything but the fish) $150 per setup. Mbuna 3" Trio 1M 2F...
  20. W

    Hello - Cichlid for adoption

    Hello.. My name is Warren Moyer. I live in Rockville, MD. I joined this forum looking for a new home for my African Cichlid. It was born and raised in my tank. I am offering it free for pick up to a loving tank since it came to me free. It is mature and is about 5" long. Thank You