Hello, I am new here, I very much love of parachromic family but in our land, very difficult to get them, so far I only own a pair of jaguar, dovii pair and been looking a female motaguense till neck long, hahaha...(it's true), friends.
Thanks to Cichlid News (www.cichlidnews.com) for your donation to AquaMania 2 (The Big Fish Deal)!
Look out for mint complete sets of 1998 and 2002 back issues of Cichlid News...and the latest issue...as a raffle prize at AquaMania 2 (The Big Fish Deal)!
Hi all I would like to know if anyone in this community has the following fish
nannacara aureocephalus pair, nannacara anomala pair and Ivanacara Adoketa only Female.
I hope someone has them because I am very interested in buying them please let me know if anyone has in stock these fish...
Came home tonight to find a pair of my Keyhole Cichlids spawning. This is the first time I've actually caught them in the act. Even better, I've managed to arrange the tank so that they are laying the eggs on a small rock.
I've had three pairs lay eggs previously, and every time they've...
I have a well established African cichlid tank that is about 7 years old. When I originally began keeping cichlids the store (can't remember the name but was way up GA AVE) told me to add a small amount of salt, one tablespoon per 5 gallons of water. I have not added any salt to the water for...
Selling my male cuban. Just recently spawned with female then decided that two was a crowd. So he offed her. Beautiful fish. Not a community guy however. $20.00
Hey all.. Has anyone here kept these? What are your experiences with these so called "poor mans Frontosa" ? What tanknates did you keep them in? I saw these at HOT yesterday..and was trying to research some info.. Not much on the web so I am hoping someone here had a time keeping these. Thanks...
I got this little guy out of the assorted tank... I don't normally go for these tanks, but this one caught my eye. It may be a hybrid, as the closest thing I've seen that is close are Kenyis. Any one have a guess, or what crossed to produce it?
I had been so focused on the Salvini that I failed to notice a pair of Dolphin Cichlids I got from Jeff Greenspan also had paired up and have wrigglers right now. After Aquafest I guess I will need to try to set them up in their own space.
My Mo Devlin inspired photos of my cichlid room. It was great having Matt Quinn speak at our CCY meeting and then stop by my house and check out my tanks!
Hi im new to this site, but I came here hoping I could find a great home for my oscar. Im moving and will not have room for my big tank at the new place :(
Ok so he ( or she, I dont know which but I call him a boy lol) is an albino oscar and absolutely beautiful! BUT he is blind and has been...
I noticed a brown spot near the tail of my cichlid. I've never seen this before. Any ideas what it is?
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I'm going to be doing a presentation on Biotopes in Uruguay at Cichlid Club of York next Saturday (Sept 28) at 1:00 PM.
Lots of folks from CCY came down to support AquaMania and I'm excited to check out their club and share some experiences from my trips to Uruguay.
Hope to see you there...