
  1. Y

    Please Identify This Cichlid (i'm not sure)

    I think it's a Flowerhorn:confused:......any comments would be great! Thanks all....
  2. J

    New Bowfront 46 gal mixed African Cichlid tank

    New to the group and the hobby. Here is my first attempt at a Peacock and Mbuna Cichlid tank.Would love to hear any comments/criticism Tank consists of boiled native field stones and some additional beach stones. Substrate is crushed coral and tank is filtered with 2 Penguin 330 power...
  3. ErnieG

    Mixed African Cichlid Tank

    Here we have a Mixed African Cichlid 55gallon tank, Everyone is doing great and i have seen 3 breedings. I just started stocked this tank when i went to the last meeting so these fish are from the last meeting, the breedings I saw were from the demasoni, flame tail peacocks, and yellow labs. The...
  4. R

    African cichlid tank mates

    I have a 75g african cichlid tank and i was wondering if i could put a oscar in with just wouldnering if a oscar could handle such high ph and if there would be any aggression problems..thanks rob Sent from my DROID RAZR using MonsterAquariaNetwork App
  5. M


    I have a cichlid that I bought at a specialty fish store a couple years ago( it was supposed to be a baby ram) and I cannot find out what he is. I have gone to many different specialty stores and showed photos but they cannot seem to figure it out. HELP?!?
  6. F

    Jewel Cichlid?

    I have a Pair of Jewel Cichlids and One of them has turned Blood Red over night! It acts Normal and Healthy just strange color change is this Normal? This is 2 days Ago... Today... Sent from my DROID RAZR using MonsterAquariaNetwork App
  7. K

    WTB Red Tiger Cichlid

    I'm willing to buy a Red Tiger off of someone not too big not too small. Small is good but I have fish 3 to 4 inches so I don't want him to get ate or hurt because they are aggressive but please contact me if you have any thanks.
  8. F

    African Cichlid what is this?

    I bought a Yellow and Blue Assorted African Cichlid because of their Bright color and have had them for several weeks...I get home today and my Yellow has a Belly that has developed in the 24 hours I was away...What does this mean I don't its mature enough to have started mating... Sent from...
  9. ejackson2478

    African Cichlid tank set up questions!

    So I recently bought a 55 gallon aquarium at my LFS. I really want to make it an African cichlid tank, preferably lake malawi/mbuna cichlids. I have the filtration, heating and lids covered but how should I set it up? I was thinking about using slate for the rock, but I'm not sure. Also, what...
  10. T

    Free Cichlid to a good home

    Here are a few pics of the fish and it is in great health. Eats like a pig (anything you feed it) and is very healthy. I want him to goto a good home and the pickup is in Burke VA. Please email me at
  11. rich_one

    Cichlid Breeding Colors!

    I don't have anything breeding right now (focusing on a festae project), but was wondering... which CA/SA cichlids have the most stunning breeding dress in your opinion? Post pics! Hopefully this'll be fun! -Rich
  12. R

    African cichlid tank mates

    can a desmani be kept with a ventus...i have a 75 gallon with a few pecocks, electric yellow lab.kenyi.female convict an a few hybrids and i wanted to get a desmani and a ventus but im worryed about the size difference does any one know if it would work Sent from my DROID RAZR using...
  13. ErnieG

    55gallon african cichlid tank

    I just set up my new 55gallon and wanted some suggestions on afican cichlids, I know that i want daffodils but what else can i stock in the tank?
  14. johnscottant

    Kevin J Carr to speak at the CCY Cichlid Club of York PA

    The Cichlid Club Of York PA is happy to announce that Kevin J Carr will be our guest speaker at our Feb 16th meeting. Kevin J Carr will be presenting Cichlids of the Line. It will be about the Care, Breeding, Maintance, Disease, Diet and Showing of large South and Central American Cichlids He...
  15. F

    Any Cichlid Sellers in Alabama

    I've tried to find Cichlid sellers around hear all I find is PETCO and 1 other in enterprise...that's too far away...Perhaps a Seller in Montgomery or Prattville Area... Sent from my DROID RAZR using MonsterAquariaNetwork App
  16. M

    How to sex a red zebra cichlid

    Hi, I want to start breeding the red zebra cichlid. I just dint know how to sex them. So of anyone knows how please tell me.
  17. rich_one

    API Cichlid Pellets

    Anybody ever try this product? It seems like it might be high quality stuff. But looks can be deceiving. Anyone have a review they can share? -Rich
  18. Reed

    Cichlid Geek trying Plants!

    Just re did my 26 gallon and want to do a planted / tropical. I am clueless about plants and looking for suggesting. Here is the start. I put down 2.5 inches of Floral Maxx black, running a 405 and 2x 21 in compacts. Need you comments and plant suggestions
  19. johnscottant

    Cichlid Sellers Near the PA line

    Hello I'm looking for Cichlid sellers who don't mind traveling to York PA. The Cichlid Club Of York PA has a meeting every 3rd saturday. At our meeting we have vendor tables for people wanting to sell cichlids. Seller recoups 100 percent of their sales. All I ask is for a donation of a...
  20. A

    Online cichlid store that ships to Canada?

    Anyone know any sites that ship cichlids(mbuna) to Canada? Sent from my iPod touch using MonsterAquariaNetwork app