
  1. mchambers

    Rainbow cichlid juveniles -- free to members

    I've still got 20 or 30 archocentrus (or herotilapia) multispinosa juveniles (1-2") available. Can bring to the meeting on June 8. Free to members; $1 each to non-members. Very pretty, durable, peaceful Central American fish. Good article here:
  2. kevin911

    WTT: Female chocolate cichlid 8-9''

    Hi I'm looking for a good home for this female. I'm not looking for anything specific but I wouldn't mind some snails as treats for my clown loaches. Colorful shrimps are cool too!
  3. V

    African Cichlid Disease

    Hi, I'm new to this site and need some thoughts as to what my fish has and how to help him. From what I have read so far it seems it could be lymphocystis which is viral and apparently no real cure. He is by himself and none of my other 20+ fish have been affected and remain I'm good health. I...
  4. C

    hello everyone. new to hobby and I need help with cichlid id

    I have a cichlid I can't I'd any help from more knowledgeable people in the hobby is greatly appreciated.
  5. mchambers

    Anyone have a female Mangarahara cichlid?

    Apparently this species is extinct in the wild and zoos only have 3 males.
  6. B

    Cichlid salt & buffer

    Just need to know how much Cichlid Lake Salt and How much buffer to use in a 45gallon setup for African Cichlids. Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
  7. W

    FS: African Cichlid Fish Tropheus WC F1

    Tropical Fish - African Cichlid - Lake Tanganyikan Tropheus WC F1 Adult 4-5 Photos at CraigList: Tropheus Red Morillo - All Red, Quantity: 20, Size: 4-5, Price $20 - Trio: $50 Tropheus Ilangi - Yellow body, red dorsal fin...
  8. ErnieG

    55 gallon african cichlid tank (Lots of Breeding)

    Here we have a 55gallon african cichlid tank that is pretty well stocked and we still have several breedings going on. The tank is stocked with the following 1.3 daffodils 1.4 flametail Pair of caudopunctatus 2.3 demasoni 2.3 multies 1.2 yellow labs 1.1 crimson tide 1.0 bristlenose I...
  9. C

    Identify my cichlid please

    This was sold to me as a blue ram but I'm not so sure Sent from my HTC PH39100 using MonsterAquariaNetwork App
  10. cabinetmkr39

    Cichlid Rocks with holes

    I have a nice size box of 24 rocks all with nice holes for your cichlids to hide. Please make offer if interested. Can bring to meeting of 04/13/13
  11. SpacejamsPR

    Pair of Dovii Cichlid & fry

    this is my beautiful pair of dovii babies are a week olf about to free swim will be for sale when there around 1 inch :) Galaxy S II
  12. C

    Cutteri Cichlid Tank

    Hello everyone, I was wondering if it is possible to have a 50 gallon stocked with: Pair Cutteri Cichlids 15 Lemon Tetras or similar Pair Bristlenose plecos Maybe a few rainbowfish I know of the cutteri's aggression as I have kept and bred them in the past. The tank would be heavily...
  13. S

    Whats good CA/SA cichlid for 45 gallon tall?

    Hello everyone, I am looking for some interesting CA/SA cichlid for my 45 gallon tall aquarium. Currently I dont have anything in it but would like to get some interesting cichlids fomr this region. Preferebly fish that do not do not dig much and escavate the tank. What type of substrate can...
  14. johnscottant

    Cichlid Club Of York PA meeting April 20th

    It's that time CCY members for another club meeting on April 20th at 1pm. Jay Stephan will be our guest speaker as he shares his wealth of knowledge on African cichlids. We will as always have cichlids for sale at incredible prices, aquarium supplies, food and of coursemfellowship. Be sure to...
  15. Hannibal

    Biotodoma Cupido (Cupid Cichlid) tankmates?

    I picked up the WC pair at Aquamania (Thanks Sam!) and was wondering what other fish I can keep with them. They are in a 55 corner tank with plants and driftwood. Was thinking about a small group of corydoras and something to occupy the upper/middle section of the tank, just not sure what...
  16. TMSB805

    Cichlid Scene Issue 5

    Figured post a link to the magazine Lee Nuttall puts together. Oh, and yours truly was able to make a photo contribution.
  17. A

    Cichlid addict newbie

    Hi guys! I just recently got into freshwater fish and a friend introduced me to cichlids! got a powder blue socolofi as my first one and looking to add a few by the end of the week to my new cycled tank!
  18. M

    Which lighting for a planted dwarf cichlid tank??

    Hey guys, i need help from plant experts or those with experience and want to know what you guys think. Im trying to decide what kind of lighting i should get for my 29g dwarf cichlids. I want to put a lot of plants in it and i just cant decide which one to get. So id like to find out whats...
  19. B

    FS/FT- Chocolate cichlid- Timonium, MD

    Hi all, I'd like to rehome one of my chocolate cichlids since they're starting to get a bit rough with each other (they ignore the other fish though). The chocolate is around 4 inches long, very fat eats well. Its red/green colors are starting to come out really nicely too. For trades, I'm...
  20. W

    convict cichlid young

    i recently adopted 2 young convicts when can i tell if they are male or female? i do not want them breeding Sent from my SGH-T989 using MonsterAquariaNetwork App