
  1. Jrbake27

    Water changes

    I've noticed at the bottom of my tank, there is waste building up around my rocks on top of the sand. Does anyone recommend to take the rocks out every so often to clean the sand bed? How often if so? There is two mounds of rocks so I could do one side and then 2-3 weeks later do the other side..
  2. Harleyrider5

    Water change with fry.

    What is the best way to do a water change or at least add water to the tank without killing the fry? Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
  3. Jefft

    Anne Arundel Folks check your tap water..

    Anne Arundel County residents make sure you check your tap water readings. They base lines have changed.. Heck the rest of you outta check at least once a month as well. When I began keeping I measured my water parameters and from there established what I would need as far as SAFE, LAke Malawi...
  4. A

    Python water changer-slow?

    So, a bigggggggg thank you to whoever the person was that came up with this wonderful invention that saved a lot of back breaking work, and time in keeping our aquariums sparkly clean.. been there done that with the bucket thing..lol.. my python is about 50 feet long or so, the only problem i...
  5. Reed

    Water Change in Minutes

    I wanted to show you how quick and easy water changes are in my fish room. 6bB4I2cPud8
  6. mchambers

    Pumping water out of my basement? What kind of pump?

    Currently, I drain my water changes into a shower in my basement, but I've read here about folks using pumps to drain the water in their yards. (I do this with my two small tanks on my first floor.) What kind of pump would I need to pump water into my yard? I'm guessing the water would have...
  7. hollyfish2000

    The Wonders of Water Sprite

    Water sprite is such an interesting plant that I wanted to share with you the varieties of what it can look like. It's usually a floating plant, which is how I've been using it since Sam (Avatar) gifted me some a while back. But it got pretty out of control and recently I decided to pull the...
  8. chriscoli

    Water Restrictions

    I'm sure you all probably saw this, but just in case the word hasn't gotten out....mandatory water restrictions for WSSC customers in Montgomery and PG counties. Last I heard, they're saying the restrictions could last up to a week. I hope not, I need to do laundry...
  9. DiscusnAfricans

    Water changes with fry in tank

    How do most people handle water changes with fry in the tank? Most of the fry I deal with come from mouthbrooders, but fry from cave or substrate spawners seem to be much more sensitive. A few weeks ago, all of the fry from a pair of daffodil I have disappeared after a water change. They...
  10. TeamPisces

    Sand or Water: Who goes first

    Hi All, Which would be the better method to fill tank. Should I put the water first and then sand or the other way?
  11. Becca

    Well Water?

    We are looking at buying a new house - if I love my fish and want more, thousands and thousands of gallons more, should this be a deal breaker?
  12. TMSB805

    Water Change Question

    Sooooo here's my situation. In april i'll be going out of town for 6 weeks leaving only my wife to tend to my tanks (6 in total; 300g,90g,75, 2 40b, and a 10). Problem is she wants no part in doing any water changes while i'm gone. She actually told me i should get rid of all my fish and buy new...
  13. Reed

    Water flow

    This is a pretty interesting video about water flow and bulk head size https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhqPbV4SyBw&feature=youtube_gdata_player Sent from my GT-P7510 using MonsterAquariaNetwork App
  14. Reed

    Water change

    This what I call a water change https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWMnPZKJWaE&feature=youtube_gdata_player Sent from my GT-P7510 using MonsterAquariaNetwork App
  15. fordfan

    Water conditioners etc??

    I strive for the best living conditions for my tanks which have mostly Peacocks and Haps. I am curious what you guys/gals are using, if anything as far as buffers,salts, etc. I have an RO/DI water setup for water changes I add RO right to my water per instructions for africans. My Ph is around...
  16. Andrewtfw

    How would you remove the remaining water...

    I have drained my 75g. There is still about 1.5" of water in the tank. I would like to remove this water, but I do not have the option of tipping the tank. What would you use to remove this water? I don't want to waste a ton of paper towels. I am concerned that household towels may have residual...
  17. Frank Cowherd


    FOR SALE AQUATECH DEIONIZATION SYSTEM also referred to as KATI and ANI. If you want a system that will allow you can make high purity water in amounts up to 60 gallons per day, this system will do it: Aquatech DEIONIZATION System consists of two units plus tubing and...
  18. C

    brackish water

    hello, can synodontis be kept in brackish water?
  19. JasonC

    cheep water pump?

    So anyone have any suggestions for an inexpensive pump? Just need something to get water from a 5 gal bucket to a tank 3 or 4 feet above it. Would be nice if it had adjustable flow rate. Just trying to make wc's easier on tanks that I am not using tap on. Also want to use it to set up a...
  20. J

    Water tank for pwc's

    Was thinking of buying a water tank to get my water to temp and condition for my water changes. With an inline pump. Any ideas to build off of this or different ideas completely would be awesome. Its going in a filtration room/large closet. -Jet