
  1. Andrewtfw

    Pocket hose for water changes

    Just wondering if anyone has used this product for water changes? It would make for far better storage than the python hose.
  2. DiscusnAfricans

    water change pump

    I want to buy a submersible pump to make water changes go quicker. I've never used a submersible pump before, so I'm not sure what to look for. I know the general theory is buy the biggest you can afford, but I'm trying to stay budget friendly, and not buy something that is overkill. Tanks...
  3. YSS

    Electrical Current in the Water

    What is the best way to test whether there is electrical current in the water? I've been having random fish death for the last few days and I am suspecting electrical current in the water could be the issue. Also, does electrical current in the water kill fish? I am a bit puzzled...
  4. jonclark96

    Spring Time + Storms + Missing a Water Change = Lots of Spawns

    Life has been pretty busy for me recently, and admittedly, I haven't spent as much time in the fish room as I should. I missed doing water changes last week, but it doesn't seem to have bothered my fish one bit. I spent some time checking on all my tanks this evening, and I have fry all over the...
  5. A

    African Cichlid Water Chemistry

    Advice? I have owned my African Cichlid tank for about 2 months and have had 5 fish in the tank for about 5 weeks of the time. I have had ich in the first two weeks and had to treat for that then I had a 6th fish become sick with "Velvet Disease" and I and to remove him. Since then, I...
  6. Acpape0

    Reusing waste water?

    Does anyone repurpose water change water for use in the garden? Is this practical? I love my veggies and my fish maybe it can be a symbiotic relationship (well sorta) Thoughts? Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
  7. D-money

    Water pump Recommendation

    What model and gph would be good for water changes? Basically, I have a 75/120/125/150g and plan on siphoning them via a flex line into a utility sink roughly 12-15' away. Any thoughts or suggestions?
  8. DiscusnAfricans

    Future fish room

    So, I'm 99% sure I'll have a new fish room in about a month, I'll post more details once I have them and know its a done deal. I have a dilemma, there is no bathroom in the basement, but there is water because laundry facilities and a sump pump are present. I need to install a utility sink...
  9. frankoq

    water polishing

    I followed Joey's DIY (the king of DIY) to create a water polishing filter. It started running last night and this morning, my water was sooo clean. Just sharing an effective and cheap DIY. J4CnMWfQfc0
  10. O

    I love water changes.......

    Did water changes a few days ago. Went downstairs tonight and I was pumped to see I had 3 different species of fish holding. Pheno tanz, albino fryeri, and a red exasperatus. Can't wait till fry time! Then I went back upstairs to see one of my mbuna in the all male tank that sex had been...
  11. N

    Is my water unsafe?

    I have fish already in it it's a 75 gallon running for about a week and a half I used the api master kit anyway my ammonia is 0 to 0.25 nitrate 40 to 80 ppm PH 7.4 to .76 and nitrite 2.0 to 5.0 ppm sure my tank has a large bio load but I've started doing water changes every other day about about...
  12. N

    My water unsafe?

    I have fish already in it it's a 75 gallon running for about a week and a half I used the api master kit anyway my ammonia is 0 to 0.25 nitrate 40 to 80 ppm PH 7.4 to .76 and nitrite 2.0 to 5.0 ppm sure my tank has a large bio load but I've started doing water changes every other day about about...
  13. hollyfish2000

    Concerns about water from a new water heater

    I got a new water heater yesterday. As I was filling the plastic trash can where I age water, I thought the water looked weird. It has a whiteish sheen to it. I don't put hot water in the trash can, but it's sort of lukewarm, so it would have come in part from the new water heater. I pumped the...
  14. E

    65G tank, stand, Texas holey rock, crushed coral, light, python water changer

    Lots of extras included in this package: 65G Tank Steel stand 2 Filters, one small, one larger that was on this tank. Light Glass tops ~50 lbs. Crushed coral ~50 lbs. Mixed Texas Holey Rock, Tuffa, and misc. Air pump and stones Heater Home made Python water changer that hooks up to...
  15. Jmty

    what is a good water

    hardness kit reader ?
  16. J

    Salt Water Tank & Equipment for Sale

    I had a person send this link to me. If anyone is interested in a 120 Gallon Tank, Stand, Filter, etc. please check out this web page. http://baltimore.craigslist.org/for/4367564333.html I know nothing about this person, so please exercise caution. Jay
  17. mchambers

    Annual DC Water switch to Chlorine

    Press release from DC Water. I don't think this should affect anyone water changes practices, since they're just switching chloramine to chlorine, and almost any water treatment that deals with the former should also work for the latter. Matt Mar 11, 2014 -- From March 17 through April...
  18. Frank Cowherd

    FS water treatment materials

    FS water treatment materials I have for sale a couple things: Ship Shape and POLY-FILTER Ship Shape FF 1KG of powder. For fish shippers, use this powder form shipping aid for fresh or salt water. Dosage is 1 gram per gallon. Dissolves easily in water, conditions water (removes...
  19. frankoq

    WTB: 180g for fresh water

    Looking for the tank, lids, and stand. Not drilled.
  20. frankoq

    water test kit and legos

    I can never find a way to leave the test tubes up side down to dry. So, I got some of my son's legos and came up with this. How do you deal with your test tubes?