
  1. bschuhart

    Has anyone used this stuff -Eco-Complete African Cichlid Substrate

    Has anyone used this stuff? Any benefit over sand? Does it cycle a new tank faster? Eco-Complete African Cichlid Substrate Maintain higher pH without conditioners*Cycle a new aquarium fast, yet safe*Substrate maintains the high pH African Cichlids need Makes cycling a new aquarium faster...
  2. F

    Tropical flakes vs. Cichlid flakes

    i recently ordered cichlid flakes and wondered if there was any real difference between tropical and cichlid flakes. ie. Is it the same stuff, or are tropical flakes bad for cichlids?? Thanks.
  3. neoprodigy

    NEW FISH : Aulonocara hansbaenschi : Red Shoulder

    (Click to Enlarge) (Click to Enlarge)
  4. convict.shawn

    Trout Cichlid?

    Not sure if this guy is New World or Old World, but I wanted to share a pic... ;) This is how I got started in raising fish in tanks. Enjoy!
  5. D

    Hello Cichlid Enthusiasts

    I am here to introduce myself. My Name is Kyle and I live in Reno, NV. I was just given 5 Brichardi fry from my lfs where they were born. I currently have them in my community tank and they are doing great. However I knew that I needed to do some research on these little guys in order to...
  6. chris_todd

    Idea for New World dwarf cichlid rack

    I have become enamored with Apistos and Rams, and I've been thinking about building a rack of display/show tanks that would let me keep numerous species, but without mixing species in a given tank (I had a bad experience trying to keep Apistogramma cacatuoides, A. macmasteri, and A. agasizzi...
  7. M

    American Cichlid Association Update Jan 2010

    Hello everyone and Happy New Year from the ACA! I want to let everyone know what's new for 2010 and the ACA. First off we have a new Board of Trustees! New BOT members are Mo Devlin (Chairman) Phil Benes, Vice Chairman Dean Hougen, Secretary Chris Borgese Li Chih Steve Edie Eric...
  8. convict.shawn

    First cichlid tank

    Howdy! First post. I've been to a couple of meetings and will be paying my dues at the next meeting. I wanted to upload a couple of pics of my baby African cichlids (courtesy of Tony), but I don't know how. I have a Ruby Red Peacock, a Benga, a Red Zebra, 2 Yellow Labs, a Tangerine Tiger, an...
  9. Tony

    Cichlid Room Companion Articles

    Hey all, Recently joined the Cichlid Room Companion website ( Yes, it's a pay membership, but they have a collection of really awesome articles by the top names, as well as a pretty thorough database on all types of cichlids. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone else was a...
  10. Prince

    Anybody have any experience with Seachem Cichlid products

    Anybody use Seachems line of Cichlid products? I am consider spending money on the Cichlid Salt, Victorian Buffer and the Cichlid Trace.
  11. L

    New release from Cichlid Press

    Hi Gang, I just wanted to say Thank You for having me speak at your club this past weekend! Pat was an excellent host and I enjoyed meeting the club members that I often exchange info with here and on other forums. Although I have not had the chance to actually sit down and make up a program of...
  12. A

    WTB: Madagascar Cichlid Book

    Hi everyone. A LFS owner / friend of mine has asked me to look into obtaining The Endemic Cichlids of Madagascar by DeRham and Nourissat. The book is to be used as a reference book for his store. I tried Lee Finley but he doesn't have it in stock. Please let me know if anyone has this book...
  13. Prince

    Anybody know where I can find Hakari Cichlid excel locally?

    Anybody know where I can find Hakari Cichlid excel locally? I would rather not have to order it. Anybody have a similar Cichlid food locally?
  14. Prince

    Free Midas cichlid on craigslist

    Somebody is giving away a free Midas on craigslist
  15. Pat Kelly

    2nd Annual Capital Cichlid BBQ

    I could not remember if Richard started a thread on this or not. We do not have meetings in July or August. But: The 2nd Annual CCA BBQ will be held on July 11th at Richards Parents house witch is only 4 or so miles from our meeting place. This is a pot luck type of event that is open to...
  16. DiscusnAfricans

    Malawi Cichlid CD that accompanied third edition Natural Habitat book

    Does anyone have the CD that was included with some copies of the 3rd edition of Malawi Cichlids in their Natural Habitat by Ad Konings? I am looking for an opinion on the usefulness of the CD, or if anyone has one to sell for a reasonable price, I would be interested. Please let me know. Thanks
  17. DiscusnAfricans

    F1 Amititlania Siquia (Honduran Red Points I think)

    I have a breeding pair of amititlania siquia that I got from my very first auction and after a month, a pair formed and have bred regularly since. There has been some debate whether these are Honduran red points or a new species all together, but a pretty fish. The male has red fins with a...
  18. Sonny Disposition

    Meanest Cichlid?

    Could have sworn I posted this yesterday, but I didn't see it among the new posts today... Anyway, I don't know why I thought of this, but, I'm an inquiring mind and I want to know. What do you think the meanest cichlid is?
  19. SteelFist

    Cuban Cichlid

    Anyone ever own one of these or know someone who has? I'm interested in finding out a little more about them. Since they're so closely related to the Jaguar, I'm wondering if their behavior is similar.
  20. Pat Kelly

    The Year Of The Cichlid

    <span style="font-family:Arial Black">The Year of the Cichlid.</span> Who, you ask, did this? Why I did of course :happy0065: :happy0065: :happy0065: . lol :character0272: Lets make this the best in club history. :jumping0045: I challange every member to bring in a new member to the club...