
  1. S

    Veggie Cichlid food?

    I've been reading that my Mbuna should be eating algae and/or veggie based food w/low protein. So, where do I buy food like this? I'm looking for flakes or sinking soft pellets, not hard or floating pellets. The lfs only has meat based and even the 'cichlid' brands arent veggie made. On a...
  2. verbal

    Cichlid Shuffle

    I have to clear up a couple tanks to have some available for quarantining new fish. I have some Labeotropheus trewavasae that are 1.5 to 2 inches. I was going to put them with a pair of Labidochromis chisumulae and Copadichromis borleyi(2 to 2.5 inches) in a 40 breeder. I also have an...
  3. Hawkman2000

    Not Mine- Free African Cichlid

  4. boobaloos

    Important Follow-up Questions for Cichlid Experts

    Super helpful responses on my tank cleaning questions - thanks everybody. My tank is looking clean, though only a cichlid could say for sure. Follow-up questions: - What is the "FX5"? It sounds like a cruise missile but I'm thinking it's some sort of vacuum. - What is "cichlid trace"? What...
  5. Hawkman2000

    CL Sighting - Old world Cichlid - Pundamilia Nyererei

    Not Mine -
  6. X

    Cichlid A Territorial.

    Hello! Just wanna ask here if a Cichlid can be considered as a territorial fish?
  7. Avatar

    Dwarf Cichlid devotee alert:

    It's possible that two stones I possess that have about 80-100 German blue ram eggs and 200+ Bolivian ram eggs attached to them respectively are available for adoption. Now how cool is that? I am going away for 3 weeks on Friday and their survival throughout my absence in any quantity is...
  8. O


    The Texas Holey Rock... Texas hill country rocks! Great limestone rocks for your aquarium! Cichlids love this texas holey rock. Texas holey rocks are beautiful wonders of nature. Limestone helps to stabilize ph and alkalinity levels in freshwater tanks as well as marine aquariums. Give your...
  9. S

    180G in-wall reef to cichlid conversion

    Hello, all, This is my first post here :) I a reefer active in CMAS but my 180 reef got too much for me to handle. I'd like to convert it into a cichlid tank and would love some pointers. It's a 180 reef ready system with two overflows and a 75 gallon sump. I'm getting rid of the metal...
  10. Hawkman2000

    For Sale - Honduran Red Point Juvi's

    I am selling Honduran Red Point Cichlids - Juviniles - Cryptoheros sp. - Video of my fish...
  11. kaj41354

    Cichlid Program at aCLC!

    Cichlids of the Line by Kevin Carr - Saturday April 30th at 1:00 PM at That Fish Place This is a presentation on the Care, Breeding, Maintenance, Disease, Diet and Showing of large South and Central American Cichlids. Kevin has been in the organized hobby since he was 16 years old...
  12. rich_one

    Craigslist Alert! - Pearsi Cichlid

    Spotted this on Craigslist a few minutes ago... looks like a Pearsi Cichlid to me... dude is letting it go for $18 (or a pleco trade), at 8 inches... that is a steal! Nice color too! I'd be all over this, if I had the room... somebody jump on it...
  13. S

    FS/FT - HUGE Nimbochromis Fuscotaeniatus Cichlid! BEAUTIFUL! - Mechanicsville, VA - P

    Hello Everyone! Regrettably, I'm forced to part with this beautiful Fusco because he's gotten too large to be with my other Cichlids. :( This is an AWESOME specimen of a Nimbochromis Fuscotaeniatus, aka "FUSCO" Cichlid. I call him "Big Blue"... He is approximately 10" long and has gorgeous blue...
  14. H

    Identify This Cichlid

    These are 2 of my newest cichlids added to my new 75 gallon tank. Could someone please identify what species they are. The black one has a blueish face and white tips on his fins. The purple one looks like some sort of Zebra. Anyone know the species name for these guys?? Thanks guys The black...
  15. S

    Could anyone help my sick cichlid?

    Hi Everyone! This is my first post on this site and I hope to be on here often... Hello! I have a 180 gallon, mostly Malawi tank. The water parameters are all good and all my other fish are acting normally and eating well. I have this one fish (a yellow lab, I think) that has been hanging...
  16. hollyfish2000

    My good little baby mama rainbow cichlid

    So my mated pair of rainbows in my planted tank have spawned repeatedly over the past year. They still haven't gotten the hang of getting fry to maturity. They do a good job of taking care of the free-swimming fry for about a week, with the number diminishing each day. And then they all...
  17. hollyfish2000

    Calling rainbow cichlid experts

    For those of your experienced with rainbow cichlids: Will a male switch partners? I have a mated pair who are in with two of their offspring. I believe at least one of the offspring is a female and she appears to be interested in the male. He seems so far to be sticking with his original mate...
  18. golsama

    Dragon meets Cichlid

    I had my bearded dragon, Penny running around in my room and she discovered my Jack Dempsey. I was lucky enough to get a video of the encounter and thought I'd share with you guys.
  19. O

    Thomas Cichlid - Wanted

    Does anyone have for sale or know of a local source for some Thomas Cichlids (Anomalochromis Thomasi)? These are elso known as African Butterfly Cichlids or Thomas Dwarf Cichlids. If so, please PM me when you have a moment. Thanks, GPG
  20. Andrewtfw

    Any NW cichlid keepers who can read Spanish? I came across this link in a thread on the ACA site. Looks to be an excellent site... now if only my Spanish was stronger.