
  1. thedavidzoo

    New Cichlid Gal in the DC area

    Hi all! I have gotten some great info off of this board, so it is time to join. My husband and I have had fish for about 1 3/4 years now. We started with a 20 gal long, up to a 55 and recently a CL 75 gallon. Mostly we have had generic Petsm**t fish. As some of the older ones started to die...
  2. rich_one

    WTB: Rainbow Cichlid Pair

    Well, my previous deal for the rainbow cichlid pair fell through due to an accident that killed the female overnight. So... I'm back in the market for a rainbow cichlid pair. Please send me a pm if you have any you are willing to sell, or can point to someone you know who has. Thanks! -Rich
  3. marge618

    OCA Extravaganza 2011 (Ohio Cichlid Association)

    Best Bargain Convention. Details in "Just Kickin' It Lounge".
  4. dogofwar

    Cuban Cichlid Spawn

    My little pair of Cuban Cichlids spawned a couple of days ago. It's their first time, so we'll see how they do as parents. So far, so good! The pair are about 3.5" for the male and 3" for the female. They're in a 2'x2'x1' tank with a sponge and a box and a piece of poret foam. There's some...
  5. rich_one

    Rainbow Cichlid Pair

    Anyone have any rainbow cichlids? Either a pair or a group of juvies I can grow out to form a pair? -Rich
  6. frkyltn

    CL sighting - Free large jack dempsey, large frontosa and cichlid (frederick)

    CL sighting..not mine I have a free large jack dempsey, large frontosa, some kind of cichlid and a sucker fish. You pick up.
  7. T

    5-6" jaguar cichlid

    I might be looking to let my jag go , and just wanted to get an idea if anyone would be interested ? It's around 5-6" and feeding on hikari bio gold + pellets and bloodworms and in great shape .... I'll get pics up soon
  8. lgfelic

    WTB/LF Rocks for a Cichlid tank

    Greetings, I am setting up a 40 gallon breeder tank to transfer some of my African cichlids to it. Would like to add some rocks to it to give them some divisions, hide ceramic caves and just make it prettier. :D If anyone has any that you could spare, sell or 'loan me' for an indefinite...
  9. H

    Key Hole Cichlid pairs

    Hello All, well the only other thread I can remember posting here was about my Key Holes, I bought four about a year and a half ago and lucky me - ended up with two pairs :D They were the first four fish in my 55 gallon and without ever doing water testing or anything admittedly responsible...
  10. J

    Cuban Cichlid (Nandopsis tetracanthus)

    Hello I am new to this site and I was Trying to find out info On the Cuban Cichlid (Nandopsis tetracanthus) Because I am going to start Breeding them and I wanted to know a few things Before I go and Order them. I read that they Like a temp around 78 Degrees and that they are Aggressive Towards...
  11. MHMoro

    Odd Reproductive Behaviour in Red Jewell Cichlid

    I have a 55G tank with some peacocks, frontosa, venustus and only one red jewel that most of the time has a nice red coloration. For the past 3 days this fish developed a very intense red coloration and became agressive toward the other fish in the tank. Today I found out that the red jewel is a...
  12. dankdabe

    Fellow Cichlid Enthusiasts

    Hi all, My name is David and I'm in the process of setting up a 55 in my basement this past weekend that I plan to house Africans (likely Mbuna) in. It's my first tank in 6 years! I'm from Texas and went to school in Tennessee and currently live and work in DC. I've been out of the game for...
  13. D

    FREE Pleco/bichir/pike cichlid

    Need to find these guys home 5" senegal bichir, normal bichir. bought at this size and hasent grown might be a little stunted 5" common pleco, rescued from a nightmare. great fish. outgrowing my girlfriends tanks and i dont want him with my gar/bichirs 4"ish BellyCrawler Pike Cichlid...
  14. D

    FS/FT ClownLoaches/Pike Cichlid Bel Air MD

    need to do alittle rehoming, sometimes things change. 1. 3x Clownloaches 2-3". Had 8, gar ate 2 small ones, left the others alone. Hes slowly picking them off and they arent growing fast enough, would like to see them in a good home before they get eaten. Plain patterns nothing special. Asking...
  15. W

    Tropical Fish - Lake Malawi Africa - Mnuba African Cichlid

    Arlington, VA 22201 Nimbochromis (Haplochromis) venustus Size 3-4" Price $5 Quantity: 5 ** Pseudotropheus socolofi, Powder Blue Cichlid, Pindani Size 2-3" Price...
  16. rich_one

    Cichlid Sale

    Proven pair of green fliers - These guys are a nice size... I'd say... 7 inches each, approx. (female is SLIGHTLY smaller than the male). Spawn regularly, with zero effort on your part. They just nasty like that! LOL... Got these from Danger Chicken several months ago. One of them does have...
  17. Wblaze

    Cichlid Wholesaler in NOVA

    Someone told me yesterday that there is a cichlid wholesaler in northern virginia that sells to a lot of the area stores and is open to the public one day a week. Anyone know who or where this is? Any experience?
  18. I

    calling cichlid lovers: yellow labs must go

    I'm pitching my yellow labs again. I have over 30 that needs a new home. About 4 are breeding and due real soon. Excellent community fish. Any offers will be entertained. Local pickup from Brandywine, MD or will deliver a reasonable distance if deal is made. asking $10 ea / OBO can send pics...
  19. boobaloos

    cichlid lover needs fish psychotherapist

    you've all been incredibly helpful as i've got my tank up as a first-time cichlid guy. thanks for all the great tips. whoever told me to turn off the light while feeding my catfish was a genius because now he comes straight out and chows on shrimp pellets like a wild animal, which he is. i...
  20. johnscottant

    My New African Cichlid tank

    Took my time and put together an african cichlid tank. For years I have been a new world cichlid collector with my Green Terror being my crown jewel, but decided to try my hand with the African cichlids. Here's a few images: Uploaded with Uploaded with