
  1. gravel_digger

    Food suggestions for cichlid fry

    i have a few red x gold tigermotaguense and was looking for some good gut loading food source suggestions
  2. J

    WTB: Oaxaca cichlid aka Vieja zonata

    Anyone know where I can get one?
  3. neoprodigy

    One of My Cichlid

    i need more different cichlids...
  4. R

    WTB UARU [or Triangle cichlid]

    I live in the MD/PA area. I am looking to get one Uaru for my 120 gallon tank. My neighbor has one in his 150 gallon & I absolutely adore him. I frequently check my LFS and haven't seen one show up. I was directed to this forum by a friend. Does anyone have any for sale?
  5. Crowland10100

    Convict cichlid missing his nemesis?

    Hi, I had two large cichlid in a 16. The bright one nearly killed the other one. I put the bright one in his own tank. But now the bullied one acts a bit crazy! He swims up and down all the time like he can't stay still. I don't think it's a happy dance he's doing. Lol Any thoughts appreciated...
  6. lonlangione

    Need male keyhole cichlid

    Hello, I know it is a shot in the dark, but I need a male keyhole cichlid if anyone has one to spare or get rid of. I have two females. Thanks, Lonny
  7. Sticky licks

    African cichlid help

    I have a 37 gallon tank with 5 large cichlids in there. Wondering if i should put any more in the tank without crowding it. I have a electric blue, yellow lab, peacock sunshine, zebra and some other kind don't remember what it was. Any suggestions on how many more I could put it and what kind...
  8. D

    New member -- Dave from Lothian, MD

    Hi, I just came across this site while doing some searches; there's a lot of good information here! I have 3 tanks now after starting out with 4 fish a year ago in a 45 gallon tank I got for free from freecycle. I bought 2 jewel and 2 bumble-bee cichlids (finding out later that's not the best...
  9. Italy592

    Cichlid grow out fry tank

    Now I have a grow out 15 gallon tank fully loaded with heater, light, sponge filter, but no substrate !! I've had 4 pregnancy already all successful but now i chose to buy a tank and start putting the females in the tank and let them grow out there. My question is I noticed fry don't eat the...
  10. lgfelic

    FT: Ruby Red Peacock young

    I have about 12 young between 0.75 - 1.25". Some are already displaying markings of a dominant male. Interested in trading them for invertebrates (shrimp, crays, assassin snails). Might consider some other stuff too. Pics of parents and the fry a few weeks ago. Questions? Feel free! (PM Me!)
  11. Wblaze

    API cichlid buffer overdose possible????

    So I saw two of the fish in my 55 scratching today so I tested the water. The chemicals were fine. The ph tested at @7.4 (light rust on the API kit). So. Added 5 scoops of the API child buffer. Problem is I later read the package and it said only add the amount based on he amount needed to...
  12. 69cichlids

    Camel cichlid

    I was wondering why some fish looked like they were squished...were they stripped from the mother to soon? Sent from my SCH-I500 using MonsterAquariaNetwork App
  13. Prince

    FS SA Cichlid females

    I am selling two SA female cichlids. The first is a Green Terror female. She is the sixth fish in the pecking order so she is small but healthy and colorful. She is about three inches. The second is a Australoheros Sp. Red Ceibal female. She is last in the Red Ceibal pecking order but the...
  14. johnscottant

    After their 2nd Spawn I have Jaguar Cichlid success

    Uploaded with The first spawn produced no fry, but on their 2nd try!!! Enjoy the video
  15. BigKingPin

    Chocolate Cichlid

    Well I am new to this forum, but I am looking for someone who may want 3 chocolate cichlids. They are about 5 inches long and very docile. They were in a community tank, but they will eat small fish what happened to me. They aren't that big now but I have seen several that have gotten to a...
  16. Sriracha

    First 55g Cichlid Tank

    So this being my first tank I'd really like some feedback (I take criticism well) All fish are below 3 inches 5 giant danios 1 manguenese - getting relocated next year 1 firemouth 1 EBJD 2 kribs (both male) 2 chinese algae eaters 1 common pleco 1 convict female that I cant get out of the...
  17. johnscottant

    Jaguar Cichlid Spawning

    On Monday I purchased a 8 inch Jaguar Male and placed him in a tank with my 6 inch female Jaguar. On Wed I had driftwood covered in Jaguar eggs! I can't believe this happened so quick! The male has now buried the eggs in the sand. I will post when the fry arrive. Enjoy the photos...
  18. turfboss

    New Cichlid Species

    Found this link on the PVAS site - thought it might be of some interest to cichliphiles --- Apistogramma playayacu sp. n.: Description of a new cichlid species (Teleostei: Perciformes: Geophaginae) from the Rio Napo system, Ecuador...
  19. M

    **NEW** Cichlid Breeding Slant!!

    Here is an awesome addition to your angelfish or discus breeding tools. This breeding slant is made from 1/8, bonded acrylic. The front plate slides easily in and out of the frame for ease of cleaning or transferring eggs for artificial hatching and rearing. This measures 15" high and 5.5"...
  20. Sonny Disposition

    Minnow thinks it's a cichlid

    A new blog post I've been meaning to write for a long time. One of the most under-appreciated fish in the hobby.