
  1. Learman12

    New Cichlid died in two days

    I bought a new fish on Saturday, Red Top Lwanda that I had been waiting a mouth for. He was the biggest fish in the tank by one inch and for some reason two fish didn't like him. The next day I pulled him out and set-up a hospital tank because he had been picked on badly but it was to late he...
  2. M

    Unknown cichlid ID

    Saw this guy at a pet store, some kind of protomelas or hybrid?
  3. Therealbroggo

    New Cichlid set up

    Well I've decided to bite the bullet and "go" Cichlid. Ive chose to give all my community fish to my lfs and in return he's going to gimme store credit :) I'm choosing Malawi cichlids as when I was at my lfs today they seemed to have a more wider variety to chose from. I've just done a 40%...
  4. Pat Kelly

    June meeting of the Capital Cichlid

    June 9 - 2pm Shane Linder - "Collecting in Uganda, the Pearl of Africa" Shane Linder is the "Shane" behind's Shane World. Shane's World houses well over 150 articles by various catfish experts making it the largest such resource known to exist. Shane is also a frequent...
  5. johnscottant

    Video of my 125 gallon South American cichlid tank

    Here is a poor quality video of my 125 South American Cichlid tank. Enjoy
  6. AquaStudent

    Cichlid ID Help

    I could use some help with some Cichlid Species Identifications. There are a few that have been added to my tank from the 'miscellaneous African cichlid' tanks at the pet store. I left my tank in control of my dad while I was at school (it was a bit difficult to bring back and fourth to New...
  7. turfboss

    WTO (Obtain) - Cichlid Love Partner

    Does anyone have 3.5" to 4" female Red Zebra they are trying to get rid of?? My son has a male and is looking for a female - offspring can be shared.
  8. AfricanCichlid

    what type of cichlid

    here are some pics Sent from my iPod touch using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
  9. Learman12

    Need help identifying the African Cichlid

    New to the site. I started an African Cichlid tank 3 mouths ago and filled it with haps and peacocks. I bought this Cichlid a couple of weeks ago and can't remember what kind it is. Thanks for any help. Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
  10. Z

    Can someone identify this cichlid?

    New to this site... Love African cichlids and have been keeping them for over a year now. Could someone tell me what this cichlid is called? The lady at the LFS told me it was a blue peacock she got from a breeder...even though it's clearly red. I think it's a red peacock, but it's a dark red...
  11. Z

    Need help identifying cichlid

    New to this site... Love African cichlids and have been keeping them for over a year now. Could someone tell me what this cichlid is called? The lady at the LFS told me it was a blue peacock she got from a breeder...even though it's clearly red. I think it's a red peacock, but it's a dark red...
  12. P

    Feeding cichlid

    Hello I am s little new to the hobbie. I just got a tiger oscar and i have been feeding him cichlid gold but he dosent seem to like it. He will eat it swim down and spit it out is there anything i should do different or feed different? Sent from my SGH-T679 using MonsterAquariaNetwork App
  13. J

    What Cichlid is this?

    I'm referring to the one next to my Oscar. Thanks! Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
  14. johnscottant

    I love the cichlid fellowship

    I went to another great ACLC meeting this past saturday and recieved a beautiful 8" Cich Pearsei from a fellow ACLC member. How great is this hobby and the fellowship between hobbyist!!!
  15. johnscottant

    Need Help IDing this mean Cichlid

    Was given this beautiful cichld by a friend who thought he may be in the Vieja family. I have tried to put this cichlid in my 110 gallon and my 125 gallon tanks with no success. He is too aggresive for even my larger 10" cichlids, so now he is alone in a 50 gallon tank. I have included some...
  16. Wet Sleeves

    Cichlid newbie

    Whats going on? Just wanting to say hello to everyone. Recently got into african cichlids and heard through the grape vine that this was the place to be. BTW... if anybody can help me figure out why I cant message other members it would be greatly appreciated.
  17. Greg31

    Fs two 3 inch convict cichlid

    Just trying to get rid of them. I think I have 2 males. Sent from my DROID RAZR using MonsterAquariaNetwork App
  18. CichlidMan

    My cichlid tank!

    Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
  19. Rfreddy321

    Greetings and African Cichlid Search

    I have been a member since early 2009 and finally had a chance to attend my first meeting. First let me thank everyone for making me feel welcome and I really enjoyed the Springsteen floor show by the auctioneer. :lol: I was able to meet some of the members I knew only by their screen names...
  20. Tony

    Rainbow Cichlid Spawn!

    So I've had a big pair of rainbow cichlids in my planted 45 for about 6 months or so that I got from Holly (thanks again!). The male is gorgeous, but doesn't always get along with the female. Holly brought over 3 more juveniles the other day and I dropped them into a planted 20 high. 4 days...