What was your biggest tank


CCA Members
7 is one more that 6...

With the tank sizes I have kept, I found sometimes the next step up makes a difference sometimes it doesn't seem to.

For example I don't notice a huge difference between 24" and 30" tanks in terms of space etc. However 36"(especially if 18" wide) seems to make a big difference. I think going from 4 feet to 5 feet seems to make a big difference, but from 5 to 6 doesn't seem as significant an upgrade. However that may also be the fish I am keeping. If they were closer to a foot long(other than plecos) that extra foot may be a big difference.


For those that have 7 foot tanks is there a big advantage over a 6 foot tank?

Just bigger. That's all. I did have a 6 foot 125G tank before my 265G. What I like most about my 265G is the 30' height. Love the tall tank.
Tankorexia nervosa is an hoarding disorder that makes people gain more gallons than is considered healthy for their home and or apartment. Persons with this disorder may have an intense fear of insufficient gallons, even when they are over a few hundred gallons. They may beg or bargain with significant others, family or landlords or use other ways to gain tank space. Please seek medical attention if you believe you have theses symptoms.

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I suffer from all these symptoms

God grant me the serenity to accept the tanks I cannot have. The courage to turn down the ones I don't need. And the wisdom to know why.

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For those that have 7 foot tanks is there a big advantage over a 6 foot tank?
I dunno man... honestly my goal tends to just be to get the biggest tank I can afford to fit into my house. I let the rest be what its going to be. 7 footer is probably the longest tank I can ever hope to get into my basement though, being that it is not a walkout. But once I get a walkout basement... all bets are off!!! LOL...



Don't notice a big diff between 6-7 ft tanks, my 265 doesn't seem much bigger than my 180, wider tanks vs longer tanks is where you'll notice the difference, ideally if like a another 96x42 like my old 630
This is my friends new tank, same dimensions as my tank, I bought the tank he replaced as he wanted a hybrid tank with PVC bottom



Don't notice a big diff between 6-7 ft tanks, my 265 doesn't seem much bigger than my 180, wider tanks vs longer tanks is where you'll notice the difference, ideally if like a another 96x42 like my old 630
This is my friends new tank, same dimensions as my tank, I bought the tank he replaced as he wanted a hybrid tank with PVC bottom

now that is a sweet tank. what did you stock it with, CAs?

I would love to have that and stock it with those big haps. sweet.