What did you get at BFD?


CCA Members
The guy next to me was at his first auction ever and was going bananas about the Nannacara taenia. I told him to let you breed them and buy some at a future monthly meeting auction... #NewCCAMember ;)

Thanks: credit where credit is due. All the fish are outstanding!


The guy next to me was at his first auction ever and was going bananas about the Nannacara taenia. I told him to let you breed them and buy some at a future monthly meeting auction... #NewCCAMember ;)

It looks like three females and a male in the group. I'll keep my fingers crossed (no pressure; right?) ;)


Former CCA member
That's right, Don. I mean, it's the first time I've seen Nannacara taenia in this area, and we're all counting on you, but there's no pressure!

I figured either you or Christine would get them.

Good luck!


CCA Members
Sam (Avatar) also kept and successfully bred them a few years ago...

I'm confident Don can breed Nannacara.

Ironically, anyone seen N. anomola (which used to be the super common one)?


That's right, Don. I mean, it's the first time I've seen Nannacara taenia in this area, and we're all counting on you, but there's no pressure!

I figured either you or Christine would get them.

Good luck!


Former CCA member
I thought Sam bred either N. aureocephalus or N. anomala. I think I saw some anomala available somewhere recently. Maybe on the WetSpot list?


monster tank newbie
I got from Jeff Rapps:

2x Heros efasciatus 'Tapajos' (juvies @ 3")
2x Hoplarchus psittacus (juvies @ 2.5")

Very excited to finally try the hoplarchus again! I got some babies from Jeff last year that didn't make it...so I'm trying the next size up this time so that hopefully they're a bit more robust and will thrive for me. I've always wanted to keep hoplarchus (really underrated looker of a large SA cichlid), but they're tough to find locally.


Past President
Red devils and lab sp. perlmutt from Batfish
Paratheraps breidohri and Astatotilapia aeneocolor from Mike's Cichlids via the auction
2 silver dollars from someone in the marketplace that I forgot to catch their name
Julie marlieri from zendog
Hertae male from Lane
Great food from YFS and AquaPharm

Plenty more I would've liked to pick up, but limited budget. Awesome selection from the group buys, vendors and marketplace.


Active Member
From Aquatic Clarity I got a nice pair of Nannochromis Spendens, which I'm trying for the third time. The last two times they've looked great for a month and then started gasping, not eating and died within a day - maybe parasites? So I'll treat these with Prazi and see if that helps.

I also got 5 Pareutropielus debauwie (probably actually buffei) which are smaller active cats that school nicely. I actually wanted a bunch more but he was down to his last few. I'll have to keep an eye on Josh's lists to see if I can get more.

We had a great time, got to meet more club members and had fun running some auction items. Awesome event!


Bearded Wonder
I was only there for about 2 hours, but I picked up some YFS food, three ST cubefilters from Shawn, and some Green Laser cories from Don. I'm still looking for a few ramshorn snails and some alder cones.

Before BFD I bought some 2.5 gallon tanks from Ben to house my corie eggs/fry on the next spawn...turns out I needed them sooner rather than later...


Well-Known Member
I was only there for about 2 hours, but I picked up some YFS food, three ST cubefilters from Shawn, and some Green Laser cories from Don. I'm still looking for a few ramshorn snails and some alder cones.

Before BFD I bought some 2.5 gallon tanks from Ben to house my corie eggs/fry on the next spawn...turns out I needed them sooner rather than later...
pm'd you


Global Moderators
What did I get?

I got my mind off of a tough family situation. I got to see my fish friends, some of which I only get to see at the BFD. I also got...

S. Repens from Jen Williams, EB acara from Jen Williams,
HY511 tetras, amazon puffers and manacapuru angels from Batfish
Cichlasoma sp. Esmerelda from Jeff Rapps, Pelvicachromis moliwe from Viktor, and food, bags and polyfilter from YFS.


CCA Members
Dude - Please post a progress thread on the Cichlasoma from Rapps!

What did I get?

I got my mind off of a tough family situation. I got to see my fish friends, some of which I only get to see at the BFD. I also got...

S. Repens from Jen Williams, EB acara from Jen Williams,
HY511 tetras, amazon puffers and manacapuru angels from Batfish
Cichlasoma sp. Esmerelda from Jeff Rapps, Pelvicachromis moliwe from Viktor, and food, bags and polyfilter from YFS.

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
4 large tubs of NLS and some nets from Your Fish Stuff.
Some P williamsi juries. Some new A lemon jakes for fresh blood. From Dave.
I think that was it.


Big group of adult Corydoras virginiae from Walter
Apistogramma "tefe" and Cory pygmaeus from Aquatic Clarity
Coral Red pencils from auction (Josh?)
Nanacara taeniata from auction (Aquatic Clarity?)

Almost forgot: Corydoras pulcher from Josh!
Very cool cats.


I just went down to feed my new fish. What I found was both depressing and amazing. My new sulphur head hap, that is only maybe 3" had my newly acquired neolamp mustax that is about 2" (but skinny) stuck halfway in his mouth, and I mean stuck. Head first. I've never seen a little protomelas do that before. So I got 3 of them at the auction, one was doa when I got home, and another was proto food. i got one left. He better be a stunner lol.


The guy next to me was at his first auction ever and was going bananas about the Nannacara taenia. I told him to let you breed them and buy some at a future monthly meeting auction... #NewCCAMember ;)

I noticed one of the females colored up this morning poking her head out of a clay pot in the N. taenia tank, so I had to look. There's about 70 or 80 eggs inside. I know that doesn't necessarily mean that there will be young fish soon, but does attest to the condition of the fish from Jeff Rapps.

I've seen these labeled as both N. taenia and N. taeniata. I assume the former is correct?