What did you do to your tank(s) today?


Tester?! Tested the tap as well. Yellow. 0.5. Tank reads red.
Have one garra sp, one bristlenose, 5 amanos, 6 otos and two flag fish. They are all alive and don't seemed to be stressed which is quite bizzare.


like i said it could be the test is giving false readings. . . And where did you find the flag fish?

Posted via mobile.capitalcichlids.org


CCA Members
like i said it could be the test is giving false readings. . . And where did you find the flag fish?

Posted via mobile.capitalcichlids.org

I picked them up for her from TPP on the PVAS trip. I am pretty sure I saw some at HOT the beginning of Dec.


CCA Members
Did water changes on a couple of dozen tanks....and cleaned box filters as I re-filled.

Cleaned the FX5 on my 180g. Of course it wouldn't start (grain of sand?) when I plugged it back in (had to take it back apart and wiggle the impeller)...

Found a bunch of free swimming babies from the Amatitlania siquia "Grenada", a Nicaraguan convict...


Pat Kelly

CCA Member
I did a water change on the two bigger tanks while I worked on the membership list last night.
I need to start paying more attention to the fish...............................


Did water changes finally. I have a lot to do in the coming days....bringing in rainwater for the Altums, trimming my dutch tank. The dreaded duckweed removal project must start asap!