Update on my new (formerly Sam's) 100 gallon tank


Thanks for the kind words, I think this is going to be one of my favorite tanks. I've already found that I'm spending a lot of time sitting on the floor in front of it.


It DOES say that it's the most versatile Sac made!

You said "sac".... :p

They have a store in Columbia mall, it is like Lego furniture - modular pieces you can stick together in almost any configuration, if you can afford it... IF.


Tank is still doing well.....I did take you-all's advice and get a heater controller for the two heaters. The more I read horror stories about one heater doing the majority of the work over the other the more I realized it was sage advice.

Otherwise, not much has changed. The plants are growing, the plecos are enjoying the wood (as evidenced by much pleco poop) and I've got a bit of BBA starting, so I've been hitting it with Excel. On my to-do list is to get fresh bulbs in the fixture...that should help.

Sadly I lost one heckelii....I saw what looked like hex starting right before I moved them into the new tank.....I blame overcrowding in their previous 55 (totally my fault) and his social rank as the third wheel in the trio (my guess is that I had M M F). I had hoped that the larger tank would help, but clearly I was too late. He didn't last much longer after I got him into a quarantine tank with medication.
