Upcoming Events and CCA Speakers


CCA Members
Yes - the Feb 2017 CCA meeting is with Stephan Tanner of Swiss Tropicals. We're working out the details for the group buy for CCA members...


Board of Directors
Where can I find the future month's information for the meetings?

Who is presenting and what dates, etc.

This way I can post the events earlier on facebook. I want to get more on top of this to have a better turn out. I'll also try and make meetings more regularly (been training and teaching over the last few months pretty hard).


CCA Members
Leffler817 Leffler817 can get you the entire list of booked speakers.

Next month's speaker is James Perrenod of "Discus R Us" - Saturday June 10 (as always. the 2nd Saturday of the month) at 2 PM...


Where can I find the future month's information for the meetings?

Who is presenting and what dates, etc.

This way I can post the events earlier on facebook. I want to get more on top of this to have a better turn out. I'll also try and make meetings more regularly (been training and teaching over the last few months pretty hard).


Board of Directors
Leffler817 Leffler817 I was wondering if you could start a new thread and post all the rest of this years meetings. I wanted to make facebook events for these meetings to try and get more people to go. I can't find them on here. Let me know. Thanks! :)