Upcoming Events and CCA Speakers


Feb 27 - Mar 1 The Big Fish Deal
March 20-22 NEC
April 10-12 AGA (GWAPA hosting)
April 18th Rachel O'Leary
April 19th PVAS Big Spring Auction
May 1-5 ALA (ACLC hosting)
May 9th Les Wilson - Cobalt Aquatics
June 13th Chris Stith - Collecting
July no CCA meeting
July 30-Aug 2 ACA (Boston)
August 8th CCA Picnic
September 12th Pete izzo
October 10th Dan from COA
October 17th JRAS 1st Annual All-day Auction
November 7th ACLC Giant Fall Auction
November 14th Matt Schauer - Corydoras
November 20th OCA
December 12th CCA Holiday Party

January 9th Alan Rollings - Mexico
February 13th BAP/Club Member's Talks

I'll update with more information as I have it!
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We'll be hearing from Rachel at the upcoming, April meeting (remember, we're meeting a week later than usual this month...April 18th).

Title to be announced soon!


invert junkie
the lack of title was my fault, I was at AGA. The topic will be Summer Tubbin'- Breeding fish in Container Gardens.

Looking forward to seeing everyone!


Fantastic do you think he will be bringing some for sale. I asked if he was attending the BFD but the answer was no.