I believe we are do for an update on how things are going.
Hmmmm! Those racks(if you use them (permanently) look like they could hold 75's, I understand, at least up here in NJ, that some Petco store managers have the option and ability to authorize the 75 be included in the sale. There is one by me that does.Started moving a few things today.
Damn this will take me a long time. LOL
New(ish) truck, remodel of the fishroom.....Pat are you having a midlife crisis?
Looks good. Green board and FRP sure would look good on those walls. Put a bead of silicon at the bottom and no need to worry about mold or water damage. It is money well spent. I may even have FRP glue and a roller laying around here.
Yep. Couple place rough.Yep. Looks like you may have decided to do this just in time. Bottoms on those racks look a little sketchy.