The start of the fish room remodel.

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
looks great Pat and I love the coffee mug holder :D
LOL I had to look at the picture to figure out what you were talking about. LOL

I ran fresh water in again last night for 20 minutes or so. I still have to run hoses to most of the 10gallon tanks but all the larger
ones seem to be good now. I will run for longer times after I get back from the Keystone Clash.

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
Okay a video about the incoming water for the room.

I was thinking about doing a few of these videos for different aspects of the room.
Let me know if I sound stupid

Pat Kelly

CCA Member

I have discovered that when using the temperature control valve on my incoming water, it takes a lot longer. Less flow.
Not sure if I can do anything about this other then to bypass it.
Will have to play with it I guess.

On the right side upper area I have 5 tanks that are 5 1/2 gallon and a small empty space. I have decided to take them down.
I purchased another 33 gallon tank that will take that spot. While I like the small tanks for fry, I need another 4foot tank for either
a breeding group or for grow out. Plus it will take up that 4 inch empty space that drives me crazy. LOL I got the tank drilled and
painted over the weekend but still need to get it into the room.

Nothing else new in the room other than I am starting to pull males for the BFD. Will have some but not a lot by then. Biggest problem is I don't have much variety. Just the same 4 or 5 types. I used to have move types before the remodel and have not picked up any lately.
I have the aulonocara jalo but now will be big enough to color up by then.
I also have been breeding the Protomelas Hertae that I got from Lane Kelly but the fry will only be about an inch by then.
I got my Copadichromis Virginalis Gold going too but again way too small for what I usually bring. So I may be a disappointment to all this year.

After this years BFD I may cut back on breeding and may switch some of the tanks over to have some tanks more for show rather than straight breeding/raising/selling all the time.
Just a concept at this point.
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Pat Kelly

CCA Member
Got one more spot that bothers me. The row below it has 2-40longs and a 30. I need to buy a new 40 long and replace that 30. I figured I would use that small space as a work space for food and such but now want to fill that 12 inch space.
Would be 3- 40longs then.
Plus that 30 is not an Aqueon. Everything else in the room is except the 5 1/2 gallon tanks.


Past President
Plus it will take up that 4 inch empty space that drives me crazy.

Biggest problem is I don't have much variety. Just the same 4 or 5 types. I used to have move types before the remodel and have not picked up any lately.

After this years BFD I may cut back on breeding and may switch some of the tanks over to have some tanks more for show rather than straight breeding/raising/selling all the time.
Just a concept at this point.
Funny how just a small amount of wasted space but cam be such a hassle, but I completely understand. I've tried filling spaces to the point of sacrificing room to walk or turn around.

Sounds like BFD might be a good chance to buy some new stock!

When you say "show" tanks, do you mean for aesthetic display, or raising show fish?


CCA Members
The first items I plan to pick up.

3M Aqua-Pure Whole House Water Filtration System - Model AP903
Good for 20gpm and 100,000 gallons

The only problem is it also has a micron filter in it which
may clog quick and the replacements look expensive so
I will also add this one as a prefilter - 3M Aqua-Pure Whole House Water Filtration System - Model AP801-C


Are you using the whole house filtration to remove chlorine and chloramine? If not you should look into it. You can use activated carbon and catylitic carbon to remove chlorine and chloramines. All your plans look great! I am very excited for you to update us on how everything goes!

Rasta Fish

CCA Members
Just an fyi ..not sure if anyone mentioned it
But i also use polycarbonate sheets cover for most of my tanks and got them locally from lowes
Incase anyone want to give it a try
been using it a couple years now and it
Works great for me

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
Just an fyi ..not sure if anyone mentioned it
But i also use polycarbonate sheets cover for most of my tanks and got them locally from lowes
Incase anyone want to give it a try
been using it a couple years now and it
Works great for me

Cool. I do like it so far. I bought 10 more sheets last week. I got my 5 gallon tanks covered Saturday but lost interest in working on the rest. lol
Originally I picked up 4 sheets at $24.00 each. When I went to order this time I noticed a special if you picked up 5 they were a total of $88.00 so I figured
what the heck. I bought more than I need right now. I figure over the years I will need to replace some and this way I don't have to order again.
The sheets I picked up are 8mm 2ft X 6ft.