Thank you Club and Forum members

I came in at the end of the year and everything has been great, I cant wait for a whole year. Im sure it will be very educational and fun.


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
Yeah, seriously, CCA rocks. :party0007:

I too have been into a couple of other clubs in the past and never gotten so much out of a club before. Good organization, smart and cool members, great speakers and events... and an awesome forum to boot.

In the last year and a half, I've learned more about cichlids from this club than I learned since I started keeping them in in 2000.

Good schtuff, I tell ya.


You don't really think that I go down to meetings from Jersey just to see Pat every you?;)

As I mentioned in the last ECC video, this club is the best club around (only one person from NJAS said something back to me for that comment:angel2:).