So I Wanna Kill the Planaria...


Andrew I googled them and it gave me a list of articles with which I took the best from each. I've had success with boiling water and salt along with the bleach method too Rich. Andrew it doesn't matter even if you don't feed alot. I've tried that too lol. Id really love to know their exact source though. I agree they are harmless but a real p.i.t.a! My bigger fish ignore them but whenever there are wigglers and juvies they tear them up. The little ones will actually skim the sand and wrestle them out. Catfish and cories seem to take care of feeding debris and helps knock out food waste at feedings imo.


What exactly does panaria look like? I have these tiny harilike thinks on my front glass that "sway" in the current but don't resemble worms really....

I also know I don't overfeed. When I feed my littel guys not a single pellet touches the sand...