resealing tanks


Slate bottom tanks were great. The best thing about slate bottoms was infusoria would colonize on it and they were great for fry tanks. Also, fish kept in clear glass bottom tanks do not do well. In my experience you should paint the bottoms (outside). With slate bottoms you always had a black bottom. Also, substrate spawning fish loved them.

Fixing slate bottom tanks isn't that hard. Silicone will not work on the slate. There is a procuct available at hardware stores called PC-10. It is an epoxy and you can use it to seal the inside edges of the metal framed slate bottom tanks. Another product is aquastik. Here is a link for it
Epoxy is non-toxic once it is fully cured. I would give it a full week.



Whole lot easier to just put a piece of slate into an already sealed tank. Of course I am the lazy one of the group. Just have to worry about a little detritus at the edges which would be easily siphoned out.