Recent posts

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
I know its because of the BFD this weekend but its been fun to see the activity on here pick up the last few days.

250 posts the last few days.

Of course back in the day it was almost that per day. LOL


Past President
I thought facebook was only good for memes and other entertainment, as well as bragging about life and family through pictures...

Though it is good for advertising and branding too, we do have a group page on facebook, but I've always seen that as a way to bring people to the forum.

I'd never trust "information" on facebook as legit, wouldn't know if it was a troll, a Russian bot, etc.

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
since I posted this we have jumped another 536 in 8 days. Nice.

That compares to 86 during that time for another well known cichlid site that I checked on.