PVAS auction


Past President
Anyone going to the PVAS auction on Sunday? I'll be there with another long lost ex-president.

Will post more details once I can get on a laptop but I think the auction starts at 10am.


Past President
*** Sunday ***, Apr 2 | Green Acres Center | 10 am - 5 pm
Spring All-Day Auction
8:30 am Set-up

10:00 am Registration opens

10:30 am Tag sale opens

10:45 am Auction opens

1:00 pm First raffle

3:00 pm Second raffle

4:00 pm Bidding winds down

5:00 pm Take-down


CCA Members
This long lost ex president wouldn't happen to have a name that rhymes with Bony Shmoros?


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
This long lost ex president wouldn't happen to have a name that rhymes with Bony Shmoros?

Haha. Yeah, that's me. Down to 2 tanks set up with fish in them right now. Haven't been doing much with fish since we moved fall of '21. Still have a lot of empty glass boxes that may get set up again down the road.

Hope all is well. Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday, Josh.


Past President
Had a great time at the auction yesterday!

The auction was well run and it was great to see a lot of familiar faces and catch up with old friends.

Came home with some great fish, everyone made the trip fine and settled in well.