Pond Overhaul


Methinks thou doth protest too much...

...cowboy up - small price to pay for community service, neh? And they're "leeches". Good with a little salt, at least so I understand.:D


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I am so appreciative of the time Tony gave up to help me out. I agree the amount of rocks is excessive. Setting them around the pond in a way that is appealing to the eye while being sturdy is not my strength.

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Put in time here and there since my last update. Spent a few hours on it today with a few helping hands. We removed the rest of the contents. I trimmed the old liner and attempted to weigh it down with rocks. The filter is now running and it's ready for fish. Since it isn't deep enough for fish to overwinter and it is enclosed within a courtyard, I'm considering putting in cichlids for the summer. Will post pics next week when I'm back at school.

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Come to HOT and I'll pick you out some pretty ones and pay for them as a donation.
I'm there on Sundays as well.


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Almost there

Here are the photos showing the progression of the pond. It still needs some work regarding placement of the rocks around it, but as you can see, it has come a long way. Thanks again to Tony for all of his help.

2012-04-19_18-35-51_59 (1).jpg



2012-05-04_08-52-02_448 (1).jpg



Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
Holy crap, dude! It looks unbelievable. Great job, Andrew. :)


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
Yah! Great job boys!!!

Nah Holly - that there is all Andrew. I helped him out one day, but from the looks of the final pics, there was like 5x that amount of work done to get that overgrown mudhole whipped into shape. :)