Peat - Who Uses It?


Past President
I have 3 containers of peat pellets if anyone is interested. I think each container is about 1 liter. I also have some Aquaclear media bags that would work great to hold the peat in a HOB or canister. I don't mess with the water in my tanks anymore, so haven't used them in a while.


CCA Members
I think most people in the club have heard me rail on Indian Almond Leaves. There is only one difference between using Indian Almond and good ol' Made in America Oak, Beech, Walnut, etc. leaves. . . .


Zach, I'll sell you all the Oak Leaves you want. As a matter of fact, I'm going to start a new business model, in the lines of the "Pick Your Own Apple" business. For the low, low cost of $10 a gallon, you can come over to my place and Rake Your Own Leaves! Wholesome, traditional fun for the whole family! (Rakes available for rental, too, or bring your own!). Wait a few weeks when our Walnut Leaves are available for harvest, too! Dress warmly, and consider bringing a date. She'll always remember the time the two of you collected leaves together!


I've also used banana leaves and you can get a huge bag of them in the frozen section of your local international grocer for about $2.

Of course, when you're done raking Josh's yard, if you want to rake mine... ;-)

b considine

a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude
Easy, young Padawan. Give it time. Also, if you're using carbon, it'll remove the color.



No carbon. AC50 with biomedia, two sponges, and the peat in a pantyhose. LOL I was asking because Indian Almond Leaves stain the water in about 10 hours or less.


Former CCA member
Indian almond leaves change the water color very quickly. Peat, oak leaves, and alder cones definitely are slower.


I just got some Rooibos tea last weekend and am using in a few of my tanks. It doesn't lower the pH, but it does darken the water and add some antifungal and antibacterial agents. Some of my corydoras started spawning a few hours after I added the tea. It probably was a complete coincidence, but you never know.

You might consider it instead of peat, unless you're primarily concerned with pH.

Here's a thread on it at another forum.

so i got some at catcon..have you used yours? i think i read somewhere it is safe to drink and im tired of coffe, so im about to sip some now :) haven't added to any of my tanks yet..smells so good!!

It tastes really good actually, i feel i have had some of this before...

got it!!! i think it tastes like a good oolong tea (spelling). took me a while to put a name on the flavor :p
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