Pat's table at AquaMania2


I have like 10 males that have either colored or have started coloring that I have pulled out of the grow out tank.
I looked last night and there are 4 more starting to color. I may pull some more. You know how it is. You only get a couple color up. Pull them out and a couple more will color up.

Sunday, I'll be looking for you Pat. :D I hope to get one of those males.


Thank you everyone who bought fish. Hope they made it home safe.
It was fun having a line waiting for me to bag fish.

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I was lucky to get these babies:




Pat Kelly

CCA Member
Thank you everyone who came by my table yesterday.
I hope everything made it home safe and sound.

Thank you guys for waiting in line and I hope I did not take too long to bag things up for you.


Pat Kelly

CCA Member
I got them from Spencer Jack when he was here giving a talk a few years ago.

They were listed as Aulonocara yellow collar Nkhata Bay.