Parachromis Motaguense - The Bane of My Fishkeeping Existence


to be honest, I have no idea how I killed just wouldnt' flourish in my tanks. Then something changed and now I can't get rid of it.


CCA Members
I think more light in my fishroom might help...

I've got overhead lights but not lights on each tank.

Also, I don't feed a couple of days per week.




Come on Matt. Claiming that your fishroom is lighted is like sayingChina allows freedom of speech or hat Argentina has an economy.

For me it was A. oblomgums, with the first batch I got succumbing to some pernicious white slime that I battled for the better part of a year and that managed to infect the second cohort I picked up to boost the herd number. Only one of a dozen survived. Couldn't make it right until I bettered that so I ordered six juvies on Aquabid, raised them up and now I have two hundred+ and everyone who wanted some (and no doubt a few that didn't) in CCA has some. Used to have issues with black angels but that seems to have passed, and I snuffed plenty of shrimp before I figured out that they need lots of calcium as opposed to DI water. Doh!


This is one of my angels Senior halfstash. He has a mustache mark on one side of his face, so it looks like he has a bad shave. He is the smallest and weakest of my school and he hasn't grown since I got him five months ago. Is there a disease that affects perception? He keeps trying to get food in the reflection of the side of the tank. He doesn't notice the other fish eating behind him. Can angels have schizophrenia? I have been trying to keep him alive with cut up blood worms, but all he does is suck up the blood and spit the bloodless flesh back out. I don't want him to die.
