My water unsafe?


Water changes are only a short term solution. The bacteria has to grow an stabilize before the tank is "cycled"
Test your water right out of the tap. You have nitrites and nitrates this tells me alot. Nitrites are bad bad bad, if you have them change water until they are gone. If you didn't have fish I would say let the tank cycle until nitrite is gone. Changing the water and removing the nitrite will slow the cycle but save the fish kind of catch 22. Your tank is obviously cycling and since there is no ammonia its past the half way point. (Atleast the pic looks like the ammonia is fine, can't tell for sure) are you on city or well?

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It comes from a Cove so I guess it's a reservoir I checked there water on their water report site and it looks pretty good also took an extra 20 gallon filter well established from another tank and put it in one I my fluvals hope it help and also it seems all the fish are fine eating well no agressive behavior bright colors

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Board of Directors
I forgot to mention the water is slightly cloudy. .

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That's a bacterial bloom trying to cope with the amount of waste not always a bad thing but keep an eye out it will go away soon. Possibly and i mean very slight chance that you tank might be catching up to its bioload but hard to say without more info

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I did another nitrate and nitrite on my lunch break and ph is still 7.6 the ammonia was at 0 this time nitrite was .25 ppm and nitrate is 10ppm

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Thats much better maybe do one more 25-40% water change and then observe. If your nitrates are rising and nitrites reach 0 you should be good. Add an airstone or two,it will help clear up the water from the bloom. Leave that established filter one there for a week or two.

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Board of Directors
Thats much better maybe do one more 25-40% water change and then observe. If your nitrates are rising and nitrites reach 0 you should be good. Add an airstone or two,it will help clear up the water from the bloom. Leave that established filter one there for a week or two.

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+1 and you provided the additional test. That's all that was needed.
Reason for it is you can see if the nitrates are still increasing etc

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