My water unsafe?


I have fish already in it it's a 75 gallon running for about a week and a half I used the api master kit anyway my ammonia is 0 to 0.25 nitrate 40 to 80 ppm PH 7.4 to .76 and nitrite 2.0 to 5.0 ppm sure my tank has a large bio load but I've started doing water changes every other day about about 30 to 40 %

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Yea I'm guessing it hasn't cycled yet but I have quite a few fish in there...

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7 1" or less convicts 1 and a half inch red devil 4' JD 3 inch Oscar 5 inch midas and a 8 inch oscar.. I use 2 fluval 70s

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**** it I can't re house them do I gotta kill some?

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"Do I gotta kill some"

You should never kill a fish for no reason. You can rehouse them by giving them/selling them to people in the CCA. If you have other tanks, move some media ie sand, rocks, plants into the 75. This will help with the cycle. You could try tetra safestart, sometimes it works but other times it does not really help. You should never add this many fish to immediately, especially the oscars because they produce so much waste.


I just did a 50% water change and tested every thing again

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CCA Members
Have another tank...or a friend with a tank?

Use some mature media or substrate from one of those.



Find someone with a tank and a really dirty filter and squeeze all the nasty dirt out of their filter into your tank. That will help.

Adding bottled products like "Cycle" or "Smart Start" might also help, but nothing works better than filter grime.


7 1" or less convicts 1 and a half inch red devil 4' JD 3 inch Oscar 5 inch midas and a 8 inch oscar.. I use 2 fluval 70s

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What are you going to do with all these fish when they start to mature? even if your tank was cycled you are going to be very overstocked very soon.


Planing on getting another 75 gallon soon and my friend wants the 2 inch RD and i was gonna put the convicts the midas and the other oscar 3imches in my new 75. But I do at least 35% water change every day

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I also posted a pic of my water levels whay you guys think?

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