Member of the Darkside Tang's Rule!
First off, thanks to Pat for introducing me to the mattenfilter in his previous thread.
After seeing Pat's thread on these filters I decided to try it and after thinking about it for a while I came up with an idea to divide the tank into 2 chambers, a breeding chamber and a fry chamber. I set up 2 tanks in this manner for breeding calvus and comps. My goal was to have a 3 ft breeding chamber with sand/rocks and a small fry chamber bare bottom. I used plastic corner guard from Lowes to make a "track" for the sponge to sit in and to seal the sand out of the fry chamber. I siliconed this track to the bottom of the tank.
After cutting the foam and putting it in place:
I used 1/2 pvc for lift tubes and painted them black with Krylon Fusion. There are 2 lift tubes on the fry side that are running wide open pumping water out of the fry chamber and into the breeding chamber. I originally had 3 but there wasn't really a flow pattern in the fry chamber this way so I put the third lift tube on the breeding side and and cut the air down to it so that it pumps just enough water into the fry chamber to create a flow pattern. The lift tubes all have a prefilter attached made of poret, don't have a picture with them on tho.
After getting everything in place I added sand and rocks to the breeding chamber. Even tho this is a breeding tank, I wanted it to double as a show tank. I really enjoy seeing the fish in somewhat a natural looking environment.
I'm really pleased with the way it turned out and the way it's working. After hearing all the horror stories about people losing all thier alto fry when moving them to a grow out tank I started trying to come up with a way to give them more time in the same water they were spawned in. After seeing Pat's thread on this style filter, I came up with this plan. So far everything is working out to plan.
Thanks again Pat
After seeing Pat's thread on these filters I decided to try it and after thinking about it for a while I came up with an idea to divide the tank into 2 chambers, a breeding chamber and a fry chamber. I set up 2 tanks in this manner for breeding calvus and comps. My goal was to have a 3 ft breeding chamber with sand/rocks and a small fry chamber bare bottom. I used plastic corner guard from Lowes to make a "track" for the sponge to sit in and to seal the sand out of the fry chamber. I siliconed this track to the bottom of the tank.
After cutting the foam and putting it in place:
I used 1/2 pvc for lift tubes and painted them black with Krylon Fusion. There are 2 lift tubes on the fry side that are running wide open pumping water out of the fry chamber and into the breeding chamber. I originally had 3 but there wasn't really a flow pattern in the fry chamber this way so I put the third lift tube on the breeding side and and cut the air down to it so that it pumps just enough water into the fry chamber to create a flow pattern. The lift tubes all have a prefilter attached made of poret, don't have a picture with them on tho.
After getting everything in place I added sand and rocks to the breeding chamber. Even tho this is a breeding tank, I wanted it to double as a show tank. I really enjoy seeing the fish in somewhat a natural looking environment.
I'm really pleased with the way it turned out and the way it's working. After hearing all the horror stories about people losing all thier alto fry when moving them to a grow out tank I started trying to come up with a way to give them more time in the same water they were spawned in. After seeing Pat's thread on this style filter, I came up with this plan. So far everything is working out to plan.
Thanks again Pat