It isn't much but...


Most of it was diy:


Nope it's just resting on the boards It has those massive brackets so it could be mounted I suppose but it's full of lava rock and water so it's pretty heavy. I bought it at Tractor Supply, it's a goat waterer.


Needs fish! lol

Looks good so far.

Thanks! I'm chomping at the bit to get fish but I estimate the tank still needs to cycle for a couple of weeks. (it's been cycling for just over two weeks now). While I can use the drip/overflow system to rid the tank of ammonia easy enough, when I turn the drip system off it off it still takes the filter a good long while to convert the Ammonia. So I'm just waiting for bacteria to form at this point.... Kind of like making cheese.

So speaking of fish, does anybody know a good source for wild caught Julidochromis Transcriptus. I don't mind paying a little more for quality.


Past CCA President
Cycling a tank is easy if you have some established media. I am sure there are plenty of folks who would trade you some seeded media for fresh stuff. If you want to drive out to Frederick, I'd be more than willing to trade you some sponge filters.

It is another bonus of running multiple filters on a tank. If you ever want to set up a new tank, just pull a filter from a running tank and you are instantly ready to go. I haven't cycled a tank in a long time.


I've been wanting to buy some of those sponge filters. Maybe we could work something out... Much rather buy them preloaded with bacteria, strange as that sounds...


Past CCA President
Unfortunately, I have some conflicts on May 14th and I won't be able to make the meeting. I'm sure there is someone in the club that would be able to hook you up, though.


Mike and Jen are great folks who have been good supporters of the club over the years. I have a gift card from them that I won at The BFD that I need to use...

Maybe if we joined forces on an order we could save on shipping... Of course we are an hour apart...


Past CCA President
I don't get over that way much, especially not during the week. If you want to drive to Frederick, I'm interested, but otherwise, I'm not sure the logistics would work out.


CCA Members
Dave's fish will sometimes get wild tangs. Steve at Valley Aquatics is an importer and has good stuff. Butch at South East Cichlids does special order imports often. Sometimes Cichlids and Herps has wild stock. Chip (bluechip aquatics)just brought in a big shipment of stuff. I plan to order from Bluechip as I have a gift cert.


Well despite having several raw shrimp rotting away in the tank for several weeks my ammonia is at zero! I left the drip system off for a week to get an accurate measurement. Nitrates are at five so the ammonia is definitely getting converted. The filter bed has that nice potting soil smell which I take to mean that it's full of lovely nitrifying bacteria. I'll conduct a massive water change and then turn the drip system back on and then I believe I am cycled and ready for my first fish!