Herp shows


CCA Members
Perhaps like many of you, I have a lot of cross-over interest in herps. Although I've been out of the herp game for a while, I'd like to take my kids to a show in Manassas VA this weekend. My last visit to a show, some 10+ years ago, I wasn't too impressed. It just didn't seem like the animals for sale were that diverse and a lo of the same stuff from one vendor to the next. Anyone still frequent the shows? Just curious as to where I should set my expectations bar. I know there has regularly been one in Harve de Grace as well that may be the same organizer as the one in Nova.

I'm expecting the plethora of Corn/King varieties, Ball pythons, Bearded dragons, Leopard geckos and such...wondering if the quality is there?



Wet Sleeves

CCA Members
Perhaps like many of you, I have a lot of cross-over interest in herps. Although I've been out of the herp game for a while, I'd like to take my kids to a show in Manassas VA this weekend. My last visit to a show, some 10+ years ago, I wasn't too impressed. It just didn't seem like the animals for sale were that diverse and a lo of the same stuff from one vendor to the next. Anyone still frequent the shows? Just curious as to where I should set my expectations bar. I know there has regularly been one in Harve de Grace as well that may be the same organizer as the one in Nova.

I'm expecting the plethora of Corn/King varieties, Ball pythons, Bearded dragons, Leopard geckos and such...wondering if the quality is there?


I use to breed BCI but Ive havent been in the reptile comunity for quite some time now Andrewtfw Andrewtfw has some pretty cool projects hes working on and would probably be able to give you the latest and greatest with regards to news, events, shows


CCA Members
I'm hoping to leave the show without an extra, scaly, family member--although I do want to get my son involved in herps and fish at a young age. Same as I was exposed to them. If nothing else, meet some local breeders for when the time is right.


CCA Members
Leopard geckos are great, and could curry favor with the wife. I've been given the 'herps carry salmonella' argument before. However, some of our children go to daycare.....

....I'd lick a herp any day.


Global Moderators
I usually vend the Manassas show as part of City Balls. We breed Ball pythons. I'll be at the BFD this weekend as a CCA member, so we won't be vending the Manasses show. There are a few breeders who have high quality reptiles that aren't flippers... But many others will buy from one another and sell to you.