Group Order from for BFD delivery


I know, right?!? They're beautiful.
Jeff seriously has all the best tetras. They're the kind of tetras that make me question my aquatic choices in life. Folks seem to frequently think of tetras as sort of "cheap backdrop" for other fish, but these guys are the stars of the show.


Past President
Reminder that pre-registration is required for participation in BFD group buys.

Saturday pickup is preferred. If pickup on friday is being requested, you'll need to notify me. Pickup will be on the lower level where the auction will be occurring.

Jeff has great stuff on his list, looking forward to the updates.


CCA Members
Just got back from a weekend of tournaments. I'll be answering emails and sending out invoices for BFD orders tonight (if I stay awake)
Fish list update will happen Monday.


Just got back from a weekend of tournaments. I'll be answering emails and sending out invoices for BFD orders tonight (if I stay awake)
Fish list update will happen Monday.

Debating if sending my order now will prevent me from ordering anything off the new list...


CCA Members
updated 3-9-2020
-sizes listed are an average and I try to be as exact as I can but the fish may be slightly larger or smaller then listed
-a pair is one male and one female; a trio is one male and two females; a reverse trio is two males and one female
WC Wild Caught TR Tank Raised F1 offsrping from wild caught parents
South American Cichlids
Apistogramma agassizii Double Red TR 1 1/2"-2" $40/pr
Apistogramma agassizii Double Red Male TR 1 1/2"-2" $10 each
Apistogramma allpahuayo Black Chin WC 1 1/2" $30/pr 3+ pair $25/pr
Apistogramma atahualpa Sunset Apisto WC 1"-2" $35/pr
Apistogramma barlowi "white" mouthbrooding Apisto WC 2"-2 1/2" $45/pr
Apistogramma barlowi "red face" mouthbrooding Apisto WC 1 1/2"-1 3/4" $50/pr
Apistogramma borelli Pantanal WC 3/4"-1" $35/pr
Apistogramma caucatoides WC 1 1/2"+ $15 (males only)
Apistogramma cacatuoides Triple Red TR 1"-1 1/2" $40/trio
Apistogramma cacatuoides Triple Red TR 1 1/4"+ $15 female
Apistogramma erythrura red tail "trifasciata" WC 1"-1 1/2" $40/pr
Apistogramma gibbiceps WC 1"-1 1/2" 5/$100
Apistogramma mendezi WC 1 1/2" $20 each males only
Apistogramma sp. Nets (agassizii Alanquer) WC 1 1/2"-2" $60/pr
Apistogramma norberti WC 1 1/2" $30/pr 3+ pair $25/pr
Apistogramma ortegai sp. Papagei and sp. Algodon II WC 1 3/4"-2 1/2" $50/pr 3+pair $45/pr
Apistogrammoides pucallpaensis T bar Apisto. WC 3/4"-1"+ 5/$50
Biotodoma cupido Rio Nanay, Peru WC 3 1/2"+ $28 each 5+ $25 each
Biodotoma waverini WC 2" $20 each
Crenicara punctulatum checkerboard cichlid WC 2"-2 1/2" $22 each 6+ $20 each
Crenicichla cf. regani Rio Juruti F1 1 1/2"-2 1/2" $75/trio
Crenicichla sp. "Orinocco Dwarf" Orinoco Dwarf Pike WC 2" $40/pr
Dicrossus cf. filamentosum WC 1 1/2" $12 each 6+ $10 each
Dicrossus foirni Nio Negro checkerboard WC 1" $65 each 6+ $60 each
Dicrossus maculatus Spadetail Checkerboard WC 1 1/2"-2 1/2" $65/pr
Microgeophagus ramirezi wild blue ram WC 1 1/2" $20/pr
Mickrogeophagus sp. Twin Patch WC 2 1/2" $20 each
Satanoperca lilith One Spot Eartheater WC 2 1/2"-3" $20 each (1 left)
Teleocichla centrarchus WC 1 1/4" $35 each 6+ $30 each
Angel Fish, Discus, and Uaru
Pterophyllum cf. scalare Brazil Brazil angelfish WC 1/2 dollar body+ $60 each
Pterophyllum cf. scalare Manacapuru WC 1/2 $ body size $60 each 6+ $50 each
Pterophyllum cf. scalare Peru Peru "altum" WC nickle body $12 each 6+ $10 each
Pterophyllum cf. scalare Rio Nanay black diamond Peru altum F1 1/2 dollar body+ $25 each 6+ $22 each
Pterophyllum cf. scalare Santa Isabella Red Shoulder "altum" WC XL $135 each
West African Cichlids
Congochromis dimidiatus Super Red WC 1"-1 1/2" $35/pr
Congochromis sabinae Super Red WC 1 1/2"-2" $50/pr
Egnamatochromis lucanisii Guine Blue Fin WC 2" $40/pr
Hemichromis elongatus "Moanda" 5 star jewel cichlid WC 1 1/2"-2" $22 each
Hemichromis cf. stellifer “Nioki” WC 2-3" $30 each 6+ $25 each
Limbochromis robertsi Gold Lyretail Cichlid WC 2 1/2" $125/pr
Nanochromis sp. "Mbandaka" similar to N. consortus WC 1 1/2"-2"+ $75/pr
Nanochromis parilus WC 2"+ $45/trio
Nanochromos splendens WC 1 1/2"+ $15 each Females Only
Nanochromis teugelsi imported as N. consortus WC 1 1/2"-2"+ $65/pr
Nanochromis transvestitus WC 1 1/2" $65/pr
Pelvicachromis pulcher Yellow/Common krib WC 2" $15/pr
Pelvicachromis silvia "P. sp. aff. subocellatus" WC 2" $35/pr
Orthochromis stormsii WC 1 1/2" $15 each 6+ $12 each
Steatocrannus cassuarius Buffalohead Cichlid WC 3" $15 each
Steatocrannus tinanti slender buffalohead WC 2" $15 each 6+ $12 each
Steatocranus sp. Red eye Red Eyed Buffalohead WC 1 1/2"-2" $18 each 6+ $15 each
Teleogramma brichardii WC 3"+/- $25 each males only
Wallicochromis humilus "Kindia" formerly Pelvichromis WC 2"-3"+ $45/pr New Location
Wallicochroimis humilus "Soumba" formerly Pelvichromis WC 2 1/2"-3 1/2" $60/pr New Location
Wallicochromis rubrolabiatus "Dikiya" formerly Pelvichromis WC 2"-3"+ $45/pr
Barbs and Tetras
Alestopetersius brichardii Electric Blue Congo Tetra WC 2 1/2" $45 each 8+ $40 each
Aphyocharax rathbuni green bloodfin tetra WC 1 1/2" $9 each 8+ $8 each
Axelrodia reisei ruby tetra WC 1/2"+ $3.50 each 8+ $3 each
Barbus hulstaerti butterfly barb WC 1" $15 each 8+ $12 each
Brittanichthys sp. Candle Light Morse Code Tetra WC 3/4" $12 each 6+ $10 each
Copella nigrofasciata red line splash tetra WC 1 1/4"-1 3/4" $7 each 8+ $6 each
Hasemannia nambiquara Teles Pires WC 1"+ $30 each 6+ $25 each
Hemigrammopetersius caudalis Yellow tailed Congo Tetra WC 2 1/2" $10 each 6+ $9 each
Hemigrammaus arua WC 1"+ $35 each
Hemigrammus bleheri rummy nose tetra WC 1"+ $4 each 8+ $3.75 each
Hemigrammus cf. ocellifer Huallaga, Peru Head and Tail Light Tetra WC 1 1/2"-2" $8 each 8+ $7 each
Hemigrammus ulreyi an Amano favorite WC 1 1/2" $10 each 6+ $8 each
Hyphessobrycon eilyos WC 3/4"-1" $45 each
Hyphessobrycon myrmex Comodoro, Mato Grosso WC 1" $33 each
Hyphessobrycon agulha WC 1 1/2" $19 each 8+ $17 each
Hyphessobrycon aff cachimbensis WC 1" $35 each 8+ $30 each
Hyphessobrycon cyanotaenia Comodoro WC 1"+ $25 each 8+ $21 each
Hyphessobrycon filamentosus WC 1 1/2" $12 each 6+ $10 each
Hyphessobrycon langeanii Alto Araguaia WC 1"+ $35 each
Hyphessobrycon sp. Pantanal dwarf phantom tetra WC 3/4"-1" $22 each 8+ $20 each
Hyphessobrycon peugeoti Rio Juruena, Mato Grosso WC 1 1/4"+ $55 each 8+ $50 each
Hyphessobrycon pyrrhonotus Flameback Bleeding heart WC 1"-1 1/4"+ $7 each 8+ $6 each
Hyphessobrycon sp. Red Cherry WC 3/4"+ $40 each
Hyphessobrycon sp. "Red Eye" Peru These do NOT have a red eye! WC 1"-1 1/2" $14 each
Hyphessobrycon sweglessi Red Phantom Tetra WC 1/2" $3.50 each 8+ $3.25 each
Hyphessobrycon sp. Tri Color Angamos, Peru WC 3/4"-1" $12 each 8+ $10 each
Hyphessobrycon weitzmanorum WC 3/4"-1" $35 each 6+ $32 each
Ladegesia roloffi jelly bean tetra WC 1" $5 each 8+ $4 each
Moenkhausia cosmops Comodoro WC 1 1 /4"+ $40 each 10+ $30 each
Moenkhausia parecis WC 1 1/2" $28 each 8+ $26 each
Moenkhausia phaenota WC 1 1/4"+ $25 each
Moenkhausia pitteri Diamond Tetra WC 1 1/2" $7 each 8+ $6 each
Moenkhausia sp. Kogal "Rubra" WC 1 1/2" $48 each 8+ $45 each
Nannocharax macropterus Blotched Orange Darter Tetra WC 2"-2 1/2" $15 each 6+ $12 each
Nannostamus unifasciata one stripe pencilfish WC 1 1/2" $4 each 8+ $3.50 each
Nannostomus marginatus dwarf pencil fish WC 3/4" $5 each 8+ $4.50 each
Nannostomus mortenthaleri coral red pencil fish WC 3/4"+ $16 each 6+ $15 each
Nannostomus trifasciatus 3 striped pencil fish WC 1"+ $4 each
Nannostomus cf. trifasciatus "Gold" WC 1 1/2" $10 each
Nanopetersius lamberti Blue Congo Tetra WC 2 1/2" $40 each
Neolabias trilineatus WC 3/4" $10 each 8+ $9 each
Paracherirodon axelrodi Cardinal Tetra WC 1 1/4"-1 1/2" $3.50 each 15+ $3.25 each 25+ $3 each
Paracheirodon simulans Green Neon Tetra WC 1/2"-3/4" $2 each 10+ $1.75 each 20+ $1.50 each
Phenacogrammus aurantiacus Blue eyed Congo tetra WC 1 1/2" $35 each
Phenacogrammus interruptus Congo Tetra WC 2"+ $10 each
Phenacogrammus sp.”Fantastique” WC 1 1/2" $35each
Pyrrhulina sp. Splash tetra WC 1 3/4"+ $12 each 8+ $11 each 15+ $10 each
Pyrrhulina spilota "red" red finned 4 spot splash tetra WC 1 3/4" $9 each 8+ $8 each
Serrapinnus kriegi Imitator Tetra WC 3/4"-1" $5 each
Trochilocarax ornatus ornate glass tetra WC 1/2" $12 each
Tucanoichthys tucano Tucano Tetra WC 1/2"-3/4" $15 each
Killi Fish
Aphyoplatys duboisi WC 1/2"+ $12 each 6+ $10 each
Aphyosemion christyi WC $20/pr
Aplochelichys luxopthalmus Neon Green lamp eye killi WC 3/4"-1" $5 each 8+ $4 each
Aplochelicthys normani Norman's lamp eye killi WC 3/4"-1" $5 each 8+ $4 each
Congopanchax brichardi Steel Blue Lampeye WC 3/4" $32 each 6+ $30 each
Epiplatys chaperi scheljhuzkoi WC 2" $40/pr
Epiplatys fasciolatus WC $12 eachg 6+ $10 each
Epiplatys singa red spot killi WC 1 1/4"+ $12 each 6+ $10 each
Hylopanchax cf. moke WC 1" $35 each 6+ $32 each
Plataplochilus sp. blue lamp eye killi WC 1 1/2" $50 each
Aspidoras, Brochis, Corydoras
Corydoras adolfoi WC 1 3/4" $20 each 8+ $18 each
Corydoras ambiacus WC 1 1/4"+ $8 each 6+ $7 each
Corydoras burgessi WC 1 1/2"+ $20 each
Corydoras concolor two color Cory WC 3/4"-1" $10 each 6+ $8 each
Corydoras habrosus WC 1/2"-3/4" $3 each 10+ $2.75 each
Corydoras cf. kanei WC 1"+ $8 each
Corydoras pygmaeus pygmy cat WC 1/2"-3/4" $3 each
Corydoras schwartzi WC 1 1/2"++ $8 each
Corydoras sterbai WC 1 1/2" $15 each 8+ $12 each
Plecostomus and Other Catfish
Ancistrus dolichopterus L183 Starry Night Bristlenose WC 2" $20 each 8+ $18 each
Ancistrus dolichopterus L183 Starry Night Bristlenose WC 2 3/4" $30 each 6+ $27 each
Ancistrus dolichopterus L183 Starry Night Bristlenose WC 3 1/2"+ $45 each 6+ $40 each
Ancistrus sp. "dwarf bristlenose" TR 1 1/4"+ $5 each 8+ $4 each
Ancistrus sp. Cheese Creek L393 F1 2"+ $25 each 6+ $22 each
Garra congoensis Congo Log Sucker WC 2" $12 each 6+ $10 each
Hypancistrus inspector L102 TRUE Brazilian inspector WC 3" $60 each 4/$200
Microsynodontis cf. polli WC 1/2"-3/4" $10 each 6+ $9 each
Otocinclus cf. caxarari Dwarf Oto cat WC 1 1/4" $3.50 each 6+ $3 each
Peckolita compta L134 Leopard Frog Pleco WC 2" $80 each
Synodontis angelicus WC 2 1/2" $59 each
Synodontis brichardi WC 4" $45 each
Synodontis multipunctatus cookoo Syno F1 2" $18 each 6+ $15 eacg
Synodontis lucipinnis TR 1 1/2" $8 each 6+ $7 each
Boraras maculata Spotted Rasbora WC 3/4" $3 each 8+ $2.75 each 15+ $2.50 each
Boraras urophthalmoides exclamation mark rasbora WC 1/2"+ $3 each 8+ $2.75 each 15+ $2.50 each
Ctenopoma nebulosum WC 2 1/2"+ $30 each
Ctenopoma fasciolatum blue banded bushfish WC 2" $12 each 6+ $10 each
Microctenopoma ansorgii ornate Ctenopoma WC 1 1/2" $12 each 6+ $10 each
Pseudomugil gertrudae Aru II TR 3/4" $15/pr
Trigonostigma espei Lamp Chop Rasbora WC 3/4" $4 each 10+ $3.50 each 20+ $3 each
Trigonostigma heteromorpha Harlequin Rasbora WC 1 1/4" $3.50 each 10+ $3.25 each 20+ $3 each


Sorry! The white face are HUGE and really nice. The red face are a lot smaller and just starting to color up.
Possible to switch and pay the difference? If not, now worries, I don’t want to inconvenience you too much! I will be happy with either, that’s for sure


CCA Members
Hi Jeff, sent an email last night regarding Erythrua Red tail apisto pics. Could you also send Double red Aggazzsi pics? Let me know if you got it!


CCA Members
Hi Jeff, sent an email last night regarding Erythrua Red tail apisto pics. Could you also send Double red Aggazzsi pics? Let me know if you got it!
I'm glad you said something, I missed that email!

Here are some of the double red agassizii. I'll see if I can get any of the erythrua, they aren't in a great tank for showing their colors.

