FS: Shell Dweller beginner tank


CCA Members
20 g long with top, filter, heater, pump, substrate, hardscape, Tanganyikan snail shells. Everything but overhead light (used natural light).

3 Lamprologus speciosus (black Ocellatus)-all raised together
1 juvenile pleco-your choice: Snow White, green dragon, red calico

$125 for everything

Email me at seronels@gmail.com if interested.

I am located in Derwood, MD.
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CCA Members
This trio now has 3 sets of Fry. I’m willing to part with the tank, fish and everything except light for $100, but I will swap out the centerpiece rock for something else in my collection. If you want the black slate, it’ll be $125.

These fish are fascinating and really easy to keep in a small 20 g. The tank set up in selling does not have snails, I just have the fish in a different tank right now. I can include a few asssassin snails if you are afraid of the tank getting snails. They wipe out all the pest snails pretty quickly.


This trio now has 3 sets of Fry. I’m willing to part with the tank, fish and everything except light for $100, but I will swap out the centerpiece rock for something else in my collection. If you want the black slate, it’ll be $125.

These fish are fascinating and really easy to keep in a small 20 g. The tank set up in selling does not have snails, I just have the fish in a different tank right now. I can include a few asssassin snails if you are afraid of the tank getting snails. They wipe out all the pest snails pretty quickly.
Never include more than 1 assassin snail - they get as bad as MTS if they reproduce.