FS: Mbuna Sale! $3 each limited time only!


CCA Members
Petratilapia sp Chitimba (Thick barred cichlid)
Metriaclima zebra Masinje (MCAT and Barred males)
Tropheops kumwera Boadzulu
Labidochromis caerulus Nkhata Bay (White labs)
Cynotilapia zebroides Cobue


CCA Members
Depending on which species, their respective sizes and numbers, yes I can. You’d need to pay for shipping and I only do live arrival guarantee on overnight.


CCA Members
What's your email? I'm actually asking for a friend, he's in north Carolina. I'll put you in contact with him but he's interested in around 6-12 of the masinjes if possible. He's also interested in a group of 4 of the tropheops


CCA Members
Not these species, but I’m probably gonna have another mbuna sale for other species soon, once I shift some tanks around.