So without YSS' discus cubes, I've figured subtotals and shipping as is follows. If you please, paypal me at
anthonyhoros@gmail.com. (Please, do it "personal," so that I don't get dinged with a Paypal fee... stick it to da man, yah!!!!!).
I have broken out shipping pro-rated by your order value divided by the total order value times $24.99 (base shipping).
Tony: $55.52 + $5.06 = $60.58
Francine: $46.74 + $4.26 = $51.00
YYS: $62.85 + $5.73 = $68.58
Matt: $35.55 + $3.24 = $38.79
Jen: $14.34 + $1.31 = $15.65
O'Shea: $13.44 + $1.12 = $13.44
Total: $274.06
Anyways... thanks so much guys for jumping in! We're definitely getting a solid deal! I'm planning on ordering tomorrow afternoon, so if possibe, get me the loot in the next day.
If not, I'll sell your order to the highest bidder, lol.
If I make the order tomorrow mid-day, I should receive the order Wednesday. I'll freeze it for the January meeting. If you want to pick it up before then, give me a call, stop by, check out the tanks and have a beer..... PM me to make arrangements.
Thanks again, y'all,