Free: 3 Small Tinfoil Barbs


CCA Members
I got a bag of three redtail tinfoil barbs, about 2" long, by mistake from one of my suppliers. I have no need for them, and if anyone wants them and can pickup in 20904 (about 2 miles from JFK), please e-mail BatfishAquatics

Please, please, please keep in mind that these guys are on my "Fish That Really Shouldn't Be Sold" list. Tinfoil barbs get up to 16 inches (40 cm) and possibly more. They're active, swimming, schooling fish -- you're going to need a BIG tank for these guys. But, they're 2" long right now, so you're going to have to start them until they get bigger (maybe toss them in the pond for the summer?).

If you stick them in a 20 gallon and they literally outgrow it, causing the glass to burst, don't say I didn't warn you. Do post it on YouTube, though, I wanna see.