Father's Day Sale

We have an amazing special going on right now for Father's Day that you don't want to miss!!! All fish are 10% off unless already on special. All plants/ corals are 20% OFF. And if that isn't good enough, all dad's who come in with the family get a raffle ticket for $100 just for walking in. We hope to see you this Father's Day Weekend as the sale/ offers are good this Friday- Sunday! Plus, at 11am we have 24 corals going for a heavily discounted price on our Facebook page. First person to say SOLD gets it and must be picked up by Sunday at 7pm. Below are the specials we have too!


Flame Angel- $100
Blue Eye Bristletooth Tang- $49
Copperband Butterfly- $75
Scopas Tang- $49
Peacock Mantis Shrimp- $100
Pin Cushion Urchins- $5
Long Spine Urchins- $30
Red Feather Starfish- $75


Neon Tetras- $3
Discus- $80-200
Odessa Barbs- $8
Glo-Lite Tetras- $2
Electric Catfish- $25
L 46-Zebra Pleco- $250
L-134 Leopard Frog pleco- $60
Platinum Phoenix Tetras- $8
Guppies- $2
And so much more! See you this weekend