Dog or Cat or just YUK?


To put some perspective on this. A fair number of people have said they would never eat dog or cat because we keep them as pets. Fair enough. But – it’s a cultural thing. Lots of people in the US don’t like the idea of eating shrimp, clams, crabs etc because of what they eat – let’s face it if you think too hard about that most people wouldn’t eat them. In India, many believe that cows are considered sacred – I’m sure they are completely disgusted by the US’s consumption of beef. And, you can’t forget pork – an entire rebellion was ignited because pork fat was used to pack the ammo – the Meerut Rebellion (for you history buffs – not saying that was the only reason for the rebellion).

From the brief amount of research I did on eating cat/dog to see if it was illegal to eat it here in the states, I saw that the majority of cultures who ate dog/cat do not keep them as pets. So, our sensibilities – even our outrage – is based on our cultural acceptance of what are considered “acceptable” sources of food. There are a few things that I find absolutely disgusting, but by and large I think when we look at issues like this, we should remember that we’re looking at a foreign cultural and we (read our “laudable” gov’t officials) have gotten ourselves (us) into enough trouble by being intolerant of other peoples belief systems, gov’t systems etc…


Dogs were not kept as pets in the US and Europe until about the early to mid 1800's. Dogs were, however, kept in Asian civilizations thousands of years before then.
Before Europeans and Americans kept dogs as pets they NEVER used them as food, only hunting companions.

Comparing Shrimp to dogs...really?

Sonny Disposition

Active Member
Thank you, Stacy. Just so I'm absolutely clear, I'm not telling anyone what to do and would never tell anyone not to eat meat. I don't eat too much fish or shellfish, because I'm really not crazy about it. I've never met any chickens or pigs. I'm guessing if I had to butcher my own food, I'd be a vegan.

I respect Bob's view of the food chain - but I grew up knowing exactly where my food comes from. Strangely enough - this was taught to me by my dad who was born and raised in London and we lived in suburbia. My sister and i always wanted rabbits, dad never said, no. He just said, "You get a rabbit and we'll be eating frickassee for dinner once it's big enough." As it happens, I like rabbit as a meat - I figured if he was serious (never really was sure if he was) I'd regret it, either way.

Given the opportunity, I'd eat dog or cat. After all, I do eat fish. I wouldn't eat my fish... lol


does anyone watch F-word? it is Chef Gordan Ramseys show on BBC. He has a restraunt called F-word and he has 'passionate amateures" instead of pro chefs in the kitchen. During the show though he will go and do other stuff including showing his kids (he has four) where food comes from. He said a lot of kids in the UK don't even know where 'chips' come from. So he has had turkeys, lambs, pigs, etc on the show and they raise them in thier yard and then he butchers them (and they actually show when the lambs and the turkeys were electrocuted) and then he shows you a recipe with them. He also has a vegtable garden. They even named the turkeys (I don't remember about the lambs or pigs).

But Gordan feels that as a chef he needs to be willing to try anything that can be eaten. He has eaten this bird on the show that is actually protected but the natives in the area can still hunt and cook it, it just can't be bought or sold in any form so he went and had dinner with this lady who has lived there her whole life.


Thank you, Stacy. Just so I'm absolutely clear, I'm not telling anyone what to do and would never tell anyone not to eat meat. I don't eat too much fish or shellfish, because I'm really not crazy about it. I've never met any chickens or pigs. I'm guessing if I had to butcher my own food, I'd be a vegan.

Ahh, I knew what you meant, Sonny :)

And, to clarify something - I was just comparing disgust levels when comparing shrimp and dogs. I know lots of people who react to eating "bottom dwellers" like them to the way some reacted to eating dog.