Crashing 29 gallon


The fish in my 29 gallon are crashing hard.

At this point, I feel it has to be something either viral or bacterial. If it's viral, I'm screwed. If it's bacterial...

Can anyone recommend a broad-spectrum antibiotic that is easily obtained along with where to obtain it. The only things really local to me are PetSmart and Petco.

The fish started dropping, 2-3 a day, without warning Thursday night-Friday. I thought it might be because the heater in the tank wasn't keeping the temperature up. I'd seen a few spots of ick and had been keeping the tank in the high 80's with salt at 1 tsp/gallon for almost 2 weeks when the heater got tired. The ick seems to be gone.

I've lost various cory cats, ember tetras, 2 different types of chocolate gouramis, 1 D. filamentosus, and 1 juvie BNP. Before Friday, the fish were swimming, eating, and showing spawning behavior.

I keep up with regular water changes on this tank. Most of the fish in it are smaller than 1". It's loaded with plants. Filter is an Eheim 2213.

I've been feeding food laced with kanaplex and focus for 3 days - but it doesn't seem to be making things better. There are no really recent additions to this tank (everything has been in there at least 3 weeks). I haven't been feeding them anything different than I've fed others.

Now that I'm watching the tank like a hawk, I've noticed that fish show some breathing difficulty shortly before they die, so I've added multiple air stones. I also wrapped the filter intake in poly filter in case I'd some how introduced some toxin to the tank. It's turned brown, but that is just normal organic waste.

The speed at which this thing moves has me worried that it's viral.


when I was having an issue with one of my cichlids,, Furan 2 and erythromycin was recommended to me as a broad antibiotic...Sam called it the "nuclear option" lol. bought both at Petsmart. I used both. still lost my fish :(

like you said, if its viral there is nothing you can do.

if you are worried about contamination, probably run some carbon asap too.
I had to order mine from kens. Its cheap like 4$ to treat 1000g, if I were closer I'd just give it to you. Maybe someone else in the club could help you out with some. It really is the only thing I use when I'm not sure what's wrong and it always seems to work.

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By the time it arrives from Ken's, the whole tank will be dead anyway... LOL!

It's $4 ish for the 10 gram tube and 1 gram (level measure) treats 10 gallons, so it treats 100 gallons.


It is Sulfathiazole (75%), malachite green (4%), nitrofurantoin (0.25%), 5-nitro-2-furaldehyde secmicarbazole (0.25%), Quinacrine dihydrochloride (0.5%).

Where do I get these substances without setting off a terrorist watch list?

Honestly, I'm probably not mixing my own meds, not enough experience or the proper scales.
That's a typo, I'm looking at the 10g vial and it says treats 4000 litres. I ran into that when I ordered.

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Where do I get these substances without setting off a terrorist watch list?

Honestly, I'm probably not mixing my own meds, not enough experience or the proper scales.

Those are the ingredients in polyguard. Identical even the percentages.

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Copy paste from kens, the price is wrong since he changed to price matching its about 4.50$

Seachem Polyguard 10 Gram

Read all reviewsPrice:**$5.54Please add this item to your cart to get special pricing.In stockQty***Product DescriptionPolyGuardª is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. Contains malachite green, sulfa, quinacrine, and nitrofurazone medications DIRECTIONS: Use 1 level measure (included) to every 40 L (10 gallons). Repeat every 3 days for up to 2 weeks or until symptoms disappear. Use whenever introducing new fish. Easily removed by chemical filtration. 10 g / 0.4 oz (Treats 4000 L (1060 US Gallons))Item:*BD-18-05-762

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Well, first thing though.....take a look at what you've already been treating with....Kanaplex. That's not as broad spectrum as they get, but does treat most of the common bacterial infections in home aquariums. So, since you're not seeing results with that, it makes me think you've got something less common.

Last time I had mystery die-offs (also with the heavy breathing before death) that affected fish across multiple species in one tank, I'm pretty sure I had a parasite outbreak of something like gill flukes. PraziPro stopped it in its tracks.


Well, first thing though.....take a look at what you've already been treating with....Kanaplex. That's not as broad spectrum as they get, but does treat most of the common bacterial infections in home aquariums. So, since you're not seeing results with that, it makes me think you've got something less common.

Last time I had mystery die-offs (also with the heavy breathing before death) that affected fish across multiple species in one tank, I'm pretty sure I had a parasite outbreak of something like gill flukes. PraziPro stopped it in its tracks.

Well, I have that and I'll give it a try. MIght kill my shrimp, but oh -f*cking- well.


Yep. PraziPro is one dose, doesn't mess with your bio filtration.

Well, I'm giving the PraziPro a shot. I lost the last S. osphromenoides and another C. similans, but haven't lost any since dosing the tank.

If this is gill flukes... I've never had a tank get gill flukes before. It never would've occurred to me in a million years. I had completely forgotten that such things existed.