Christine's Fish Room


Great job and awesome that your doing what you love. Maybe if I show this to the lady she won't think my wanting a 2nd and 3rd tank is excessive. Which species of jewel is that the he focuses in on I am referring to the bright red one in the tank.

Those are the gutattus. She looks fat, but she's really just full of eggs....they're always spawning.


If you pull fry I'll take a few! I did follow your advice and do some more reading and I'm between gutattus and lifalili. I would be happy with either I think.


CCA Members
As Christine said, most of the jewels in pet stores - and many auctions - are hybrids (or at least unknown provenance). She's got some positively ID'd fish (as do some other folks in the club).

If you're gonna keep jewels well worth keeping real ones :)


Ok, il keep you in mind next time I see some.

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the only thing keeping me from buying a waterproof 360 camera right now is my tanks aren't really wide enough.


Great tanks, and fish room. Love the way that you have all the tanks with cover/plants/gravel/decorations, so they're not bare bottom cinderblock jail cells!
And your racks seem very well built, great job!


Great tanks, and fish room. Love the way that you have all the tanks with cover/plants/gravel/decorations, so they're not bare bottom cinderblock jail cells!
And your racks seem very well built, great job!

Bare Bottom Cinderblock Jail Cells may have been on the movie channel guide last night but I definitely didn't watch it.