Big Fish Thank You and a Plea for Turtle


Global Moderators
I'm glad your turtle is back with you and it seems like no harm came to it.

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Former CCA member
Miss Stinky

Glad to hear! What happened to her?
She got hungry, so walked over to Panera Sunday morning and got a muffin, plus a latte for good measure. She lost track of time, and didn't get back to the convention in time for Josh to get her. She decided to walk all the way from Gaithersburg to Silver Spring. Being a turtle, she doesn't go all that fast, so it took several days.

Seriously, that's great news.


CCA Members
She got hungry, so walked over to Panera Sunday morning and got a muffin, plus a latte for good measure. She lost track of time, and didn't get back to the convention in time for Josh to get her. She decided to walk all the way from Gaithersburg to Silver Spring. Being a turtle, she doesn't go all that fast, so it took several days.

Seriously, that's great news.

She certainly didn't stroll over to the Starbucks line!?! Everytime I walked by it, it was closed!!!


Josh, that either doesn't stink or stinks depending on how you want to interpret it.

If you don't share the happy ending details (even if you happened to find her in your pocket), I will motion that you be banned from the forum for 30 days.

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
She passed out in a lounge chair by the pool.
She drank too much Saturday night in the hospitality suite and woke up naked(without her shell) . She was so embarrassed that she hid out for a couple days. Finally she decided it was time to come clean and go home.
Who here has not had this happen to them. Please don't judge her.