Best Wishes to Sarah...


CCA member
Thank you everyone :)

Well, for those of you that didn't know... It started with pain in my should down to my arm. We originally thought I needed shoulder surgery.... but it turned out to be worse. I needed sugery on my C5 through C7 disks. So, they took out two disks and replaced them with little plastic parts :lol: and then fused them all togther with screws and titanium.

The surgery went fine. I am home now... ( thank goodness !! I thought I might get snowed into the hospital) Still in a lot of pain... but I am already getting my strength back. Relieving the pinching nerves helped a lot.

Again, thank you for all the warm wishes and thoughs....

Hi Sarah,
So glad to hear that you are home safe and sound. I am snowbound in Columbia, but hope to get free one day soon and come and make you laugh.
Take Care,


Both my mom and sis had it done - feel like new women! Ironically, I was diagnosed with the same issue way before them (like 10 years ago), but have been able to stay off the operation :)

You'll be ignoring orders in no time flat! lol


They tell you not to have the surgery if your aim is to get rid of pain. So, when you start getting weak in the arms and hands get it done asap or you could end up with permanent damage. I would not have had it done if it wasn't for dropping things all the time and not being able to do simple things that we all take for granit. My mom is almost 70 years old and berfore the surgery she was stronger than me! If you ever do get it fixed... I'll give you the name of the best :)

Thank you everyone for you kind words and thoughts.

and in terms of "Bill's orders" .... yeah, sureeeeeeeeeeeee :p
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I've damage in the lumbar and cerv. verts. I wasn't just dropping things, I was falling down! lol My left leg couldn't support me. I need to get a nerve test done soon, just to make sure the last bout I had (about 3 weeks ago) didn't cause damage - but so far I've been able to to control with anti inflamitory, muscle relaxants and percs! :)

You didn't have much pain with it? My sis and mom were beyond miserable.


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
Glad to hear you're doing better. Take it easy, hit up some good meds and zone out to the tanks for a while.... a little "aquatic therapy" lol.