$1 a gallon?


10,20 and 40. Not sure is the 20 includes long and high. The picture looks like it is a 40 breeder for the 40 gallon tank.

Just stopped by petsmart;
$1 Deal seems nationwide

Applies only for:
10 gal
20 gal long
40 gal breeder

Just grabbed a pair of 20g to replace my pair of 10g fry tanks.



Lol i was just in petsmart asking about this. The girl said we dont do that, thats petco.. i should have said right, you guys only do a gallon per buck sale.

What size does pet supplies plus go up to?


I was just at Petsmart and got a 20. When I checked out, they printed a $5 coupon on my receipt that can be used right away - so I got another one.

Just a way to save $5 if you are buying multiple tanks - split the purchase.


No 55s - The kit was on sale - but not 1/gal.

Are you looking for a 55?

I have one that I am not going to use. It is about six months old.

PM me if interested.