
  1. H

    WTB: P. Saulosi females or juvie group

    I am looking to add to my brood of Saulosi. I have a group of 10, all of them male, and I'd like to be able to breed some, so I'm seeking either female adults or a juvie group that I can grow out (which will hopefully have some females). Please let me know if you have any available, thanks!
  2. Forester

    WTB: Pond Plants

    Hi all, I need to some fast growing pond plants such as Water Hyacinth for my pond that I built a few weeks ago. My fish need to some protection and I need need shade so that I don't have so much algae. Thanks, Lucas
  3. ricksnipe

    WTB Drifitwood and Rocks for 180 gallon

    Hey Fam! I am in need of some aquascaping materials (rocks and driftwood) I know where i can purchase some but i rather gove the money to family first. I need the rocks and or driftwood for a 180 gallon ex cichlisoma festae tank. Thank Rick
  4. zackcrack00

    WTB: Filters, Tanks, Heaters, Lights

    In need of the following: 20L Tank(s) 10g Tanks 29g Tanks 50-150 Watt Heaters AC Filters Lights of most sizes Tank Stands/Racks
  5. DiscusnAfricans

    WTB: 65 watt Compact Fluorescent bulbs

    I have fixtures with both square pin and straight pin, would be interested in both. Preferably 6500K, but let me know what you have.
  6. D

    WTB: Cardinals

    Has anyone bought stuff from http://www.freshwatertropicalfishonline.com/ any feedback? I am planning to order some cardinals for my tank and was wondering if anyone is interested in going dutch on shipping. Also, any concerns regarding keeping cardinals in DC water, i have been told they...
  7. Mwildgruber

    wtb red severum

    i would like to get 3+ for my 125. i am willing to pick up anywhere within 45 min drive from dunkirk md. i have stuff that i could trade for them (tanks, pumps, air pumps,tons of plants). also size i would like them to be at least 2 inches.
  8. gtavc1990

    WTB Crushed coral

    Looking for crushed coral substrate for a 90g I'm setting up soon. From the Springfield VA area.
  9. DiscusnAfricans

    WTB: 4' T8 shoplight

    Looking for a basic shoplight, don't need any bulbs. Just thought I'd check here before buying one new.
  10. Howie

    WTB Fluval 206

    WTB Fluval 206 or similar quality canister filter for my 36 Bow fr. Please PM me if you have one FS.
  11. unknown_saint

    some wtb, some fs, trades welcome.

    i've been spending the summer upgrading my aquaria, and have come a long way. as it's winding down to the finish here are a few things i am still looking for; giving it another shot here before going scratching the rest off of my list via amazon. filters wanted: two marineland penguin...
  12. S

    WTB cherry shrimp

    I want to buy some cherry shrimp, or any other colored aquarium shrimp.
  13. DiscusnAfricans

    WTB: Hydrometer

    Looking for a simple/cheap hydrometer to check salt levels while gradually raising the salt content for my new puffer. Let me know if you have anything.
  14. S

    wtb HOB filters

    Im looking for some hang on the back filters large ones
  15. Mr.TrayLor

    Wtb A. Flaveolus, A. Hogaboomorum

    Hello everyone,I'm from Tacoma,Washington andI'm looking for some WC AMPHILOPHUS FLAVEOLUS, AMPHILOPHUS HOGABOOMORUM. Will take f1. I have 7 tanks up and running ..
  16. mchambers

    WTB 30 gallon aquarium

    I'm looking for a standard 30 gallon, 36" long.
  17. Reed

    WTB: Double Stack 75 gallon Stand

    I am looking for a stand to stack 2 x 75 gallon tanks. Would prefer a metal stand. Let me know what you have.. Reed Veryfishe.com
  18. men_arell

    WTB- 29 gal Hood

    I am looking for a hood or a glass lid for a standard 29 gal tank. i went to petco and i really don't want to be down $40 for it. Craigslist didn't have any available either. thank you.
  19. C

    WTB 30 gallon aquarium

    Looking for a regular not high 30 gall to use for a sump system. Thanks for the help.
  20. frankoq

    WTB: Pundamilia nyererei (Ruti Island)

    Anyone have fry or adults?