
  1. MarkK

    Share a sellers table?

    Looking to share a seller's table with someone. If it is like last year two or even three people can easily share a table, makes the profit much better.
  2. Becca

    WTT: Dining Table & 6 nice chairs

    I need a place to set up a few tanks I recently picked up. I'm thinking the least-used room in my house is probably the best place for them to go. Good thing we eat dinner at the coffee table. I have a dining table with 2 removable leaves and 6 really nice chairs (nicer than the table...
  3. guarddog5

    CCA Table at AquaMania

    Had some technical difficulties posting sales in My Group Auctions which been resolved and all sales have been recorded. You may review your account in MGA for your final tally. Come see me before the meeting Saturday to pickup your checks. Sorry for the delay. If you have any further questions...
  4. S

    Aquamania CCA Table

    Does anyone know when the sale of items listed in the Aquamania CCA Table be listed on MGA?
  5. MHMoro

    Manuel & co. Table at Market Place

    Here is the tentative list for Sunday March 10. (Jose, Ernest, Shawn and Manuel's fish). ruby red 1 male 3 females $25 young adults. 1 male red zebra $5 1 male yellow tail huge $10 1 male cynothilaphia afra $10 1 pair ob peacocks $10 1 venestus male $20 1 pair of ancistrus bn...
  6. NYEA


    *Altolamprologus Calvus Yellow Nkamba Bay F0 Pairs $110.00 *Altolamprologus Compressiceps Orange Chaitika F0 Pairs $90.00 *Callochromis sp. Ikola F0 Pairs $45.00 *Altolamprologus Calvus Black Pectoral Congo F0 Pairs $105.00 *Aulonocara...
  7. MarkK

    Table to share

    Christine was going to share my table but now she thinks she will be otherwise engaged so if anyone else is looking to share a table send a PM. Mark
  8. C

    David Sombach's Table At Marketplace

    Hi there: Here is a tentative list for the Marketplace: Full Black Guppies $7.50 pair or $10/trio Albino Corydoras $5 each or 4/$15 Panda Corydoras $5 each or 4/$15 Sterbai Corydoras $6 each or 4/$20 Synodontis Petricola 3/4"- 1" $7.50 each Albino Long fin...
  9. S

    Whats selling at the CCA Table?

    Where can I see what's on sale at the CCA Table? I don't see anything listed on groupauctions. Also if you list an item in the marketplace at the CCA table, would the price automatically drop to half its value by the end of the day wihout the sellers consent? Can you remove it from the...
  10. Jefft

    I have my table, now what..

    Ok so I have a couple of questions here.. I am going to bring a 30 g cube and just keep my juvies and fry which will be for sale at aquamania in the tank itself. When I have a buyer I will just net the fish and bag for them right then and there just like a purchase at a LFS. I am bringing power...
  11. yourfishstuff

    Your Fish Stuff Table at Aquamania

    Hi, if anyone would like to make a pre-order from our website we have a coupon code that you can use and not be charged shipping. CCASHIP. Please try to include a note about picking up your order at our table at Aquamania. We are planning to bring the following....... YFS Flakes YFS...
  12. MHMoro

    Sharing a Table at Aquamania

    Will anyone like to share a sellers table at the Aquamania event on March 10?. I already pay for one ($25) but will use no more than half of the table. Manuel
  13. MarkK

    share a table?

    I put down my $25 for a table today but I don't know that I need a whole table to myself, anyone want to split the cost with me and share half the table?
  14. Pat Kelly

    Pat's table on Sunday

    Okay, This is the list I plan on having. Prices will be shown that day. (still thinking LOL) I will have 9- used 2.5 gallon tanks. Painted 5+ replacement sponges for Hydro's 12+ .5-.75" Brevis A bunch of Lethrinops Red Cap Itungi They will be priced according to size. 1.5"+, 2"+, and...
  15. D

    Too late for signing up for a table?

    I have been travelling and forgot about signing up for a table to sell angelfish I have. Is it too late? Thanks Doug
  16. Tony

    Tony's Table for AquaMania

    Hey all, So far, looks like I'll have the following stuff at my table on Sunday. More to be added as we get closer. Juvenile Fish: Yellow Labs Otopharynx lithobates Rusties White tail acei Lwanda peacocks Ethelwynne peacocks Krobia guianacara Nannacara aureocephalus Hemichromis sp. Adult...
  17. R

    Table for Rainforest Experience

    Rainforest Experience Stock List: Tanks/ supplies: Used 65 gallon drilled tank 2-20 gallon used tanks 4' HOT5 used 3' HOT5 used LED lights ________________________________________________________________ Plants: Tiger Lotus Swords Crypts Java Moss Anubius Jungle Val...
  18. jonclark96

    CCA Member's Table at the Marketplace

    As announced at the meeting last week, the CCA will have a table at the AquaMania Marketplace where we will sell items on behalf of our members. The rules and regulations for selling items are listed below. So, if you've got some fish, equipment, plants, or decorations that you'd like to sell...
  19. Andrew

    AquaMania Table for Andrew

    Will have for sale: Black Moscow Guppies $5/pair Red or Gold Snakeskin Guppies $5/pair Red Dragon Guppies (guppy endler cross, very pretty!) $5/pair Leucistic (Gold) Endlers $1 each or 6 for $5 Christmas Moss $5/bunch Large (!) Longfin Whiteclouds $2/each or 6 for $10 Large Standard Whiteclouds...
  20. verbal

    Table for Turfboss(George) and Verbal(Jesse)

    Here is the price list for the table for me and George. Fish List: My Fish Room Juvie Cop. Borleyi - $5/each Juvie Otter Point Peacock - $4/each Juvie Rainbow Cichlids - $3/each Red Cherry Shrimp 12/$10 Juvie Super Red BN plecos -...