
  1. aprill85

    Hello from good ole Louisiana!!!

    Hey everyone! I am very new to aquariums, unless you count the goldfish I won at the fair as a child (although, he did live 6 years). I've only had African Cichlids for about 5 or 6 months but have fallen in love with these guys! Feel free to give me ANY suggestions you may have, I want to...
  2. MonteSS

    Good TV show

    Sci-fi channel. Mutant Planet-Africas Rift valley lakes I'm watching now but looks like it replays at 10pm tonight. (monday}
  3. O

    The good, the bad, and the ugly

    So last night I went down the check on some holding females I had that have been holding for a while now. There were 4 mom's out of a bunch that have been holding for around 2 weeks. The good: stripped the 2 tangerine tigers and got over 50 fry! Stripped one albino Socofoli and got a whopping...
  4. O

    FREE to good home plecos need gone ASAP

    I just got Home with Jeff's stuff and he had three big plecos over 6" that I have no place for. 2 look normal, one is a different species. I need them gone ASAP. I'm located in 21221. They are free to good home. Text is best as I am setting up tanks and won't have time to ck pms 443-465-8500
  5. cabinetmkr39

    Chocolate Cichlid not looking good

    Any Idea whats going on here, Fish stopped eating also has a white blush on his head , his jaw is swollen in the right side , belly is also swollen, clear stingy fecal matter. I've salted the tank yesterday with 1 tsp of instance ocean no changes is behavior. temp is 78 degrees, no other fish...
  6. O

    Four Oscars - Free to Good Home

    I have four Oscars (Tigers?), each about 7 to 8 inches with good color. I put these in my 46 gallon office aquarium as one inch young. Now that I travel, keeping the tank clean and healthy has become more than I can handle and they deserve better. Yes, I should have known better and had...
  7. Acpape0

    Good deal on 75 gallon

    I came across this ad and had every intention of buying. Negotiated and all then the wife decided that we had no where to put it ( bull$&@?) . Anyways it is a good lead . I had him at $100 for the 75 full set up with two ac filters. Use caution I do not know this person...
  8. O

    Another good airport day...

    Just got home a little while ago. Went to the airport for a pick up then met Russ to get a filter. After floating some bags I put my new fish into Tupperware to start acclimating them. While checking out my afra cobue I noticed one looked odd. I told the supplier to make sure to pick me a good...
  9. Jmty

    what is a good water

    hardness kit reader ?
  10. Becca

    Seems like a good deal

    Not mine, but saw it while perusing CL -
  11. gravel_digger

    Good stores in Virginia Beach/Norfolk area

    Down in Tidewater area for the week end anyone know of any stores in the area? Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
  12. W

    Good Day To Everyone

    Good Day! Hello everyone, my log in is wilderose93, but I also answer to Beth. I am a recent addition to the community. Currently the home is in Virginia. I have a large family and am currently in school for veterinary medicine. I am very interested in the plight of the black banded sunfish...
  13. kevin911

    Anybody good with cars ? Newbie needs urgent help.

    I drive a old 2001 Camry and realize today my temp gauge was shifting up and down. I stop at a gas station and realize I complete ran out of coolant, upon buying a gallon and refilling the coolant tank. I then let it cool and turn the car with the ac on . This is where I realize the real problem...
  14. W

    Is a 12" tall tank good for rays?

    I would like to one day have some rays. Is a 12" tall tank good for rays like hystrix. The tank i was thinking for them would be a 72x47x12. It would have 3 females and 1 male. With least 2 40's for quarantine or temporary grow out takes. The wet/dry would have a 12" tower for prefilter and bio...
  15. madcobra216


    A friend of mine gave me a tank and they didnt know what to do with the fish so I told them that I will try my best of find them a really nice home :D. They are free to anyone who wants them, here is the list below: 2 Glass Catfish ( Kryptopterus bicirrhis) 3 Cory Catfish (Corydoras...
  16. F

    Need good home for Jack Dempsey

    Sadly I am moving and need a new home for my Jack Dempsey. He is about 6-8 years old and in good health. He lived with an Oscar but currently lives alone. I also have a 55 gallon tank and black wood cabinet stand that I can sell for 150$ obo. The Jack can go separately. I'm coming to this forum...
  17. Becca

    Free to good home- 1 Biotedoma Cupido

    I have one picked on B. cupido, free to good home. He/she/it is free because solitary, or a tank full of something small and mild (think chocolate gouramis) is probably its best chance at survival. Not sure why, since these fish did fine in a 55 at Sam's, but one of the 4 has failed to thrive...
  18. Jmoore

    Good deal

    This is not mine. But its a good deal Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
  19. Jmoore

    Good deal?

    Is this a good deal? Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
  20. spazmattik

    free to good home - albino zebra?

    Sorry, not to good with africans but maybe its a albino red top? Something along those lines. Will get a pic up later if I can. Tank mates are not accepting him amymore and he's been beat up twice now. Fins are short from being bit but just needs some alone time with some melafix and should be...